Do Don onny Seyfer, SMART TECH(nician): Repair shop p ow owner ner,, indu ner dustr stry edu uc ca ator and ASE Master Technician with 30 3 + year ears' s' exp e peri err enc eri e e HELPING TECHNICIANS WORK SMARTER - NOT HARDER SMART TECH(nology) ArcticPRO ACX1285 (R1234yf) is the first A/C serv rvvicin icing ng equipment fully integrated with TechP PRO diagnos osttic os scan tool software Tech-friendly touchsscreen and shows graphic displays of pressure es, weights and temps for o imized interactivity that you can share with opt you ou ur customers Bluetooth enabled VC CI decodes a VI VIN in VIN 1 second with 1 clic ck with a full vehicle diagnosis in seconds Provides com mplete and accurate A/C diagnostics and HVAC system m te esting for determining system failure