FEATURES 4 Tips from Gates 4 Water pump weeps 5 Regulating recharge 6 Change is coming for some HD vehicle refrigerants 7 The road not traveled: A/C for off-highway vehicles 12 Retroļ¬tting R-1234yf mobile air conditioning systems is prohibited 18 Hybrid and battery electric vehicle A/C 25 Is your recycled coolant at full strength 7 12 18 Mobile Air Conditioning Society Mission Statement To be the recognized global authority for the mobile air conditioning and heat transfer industry by: * Providing training and education for the mobile air conditioning and heat transfer industry. * Providing a forum for exchange of trade information on a regional, national and international basis. * Facilitating business between all segments of the industry. * Providing information on legislative and regulatory initiatives that affect the industry and advocating for the industry to legislative bodies. www.macsw.org macsworldwide.wordpress.com Spring 2017 * ACTION/NAPA 3https://plus.google.com/109580133945503595889 https://macsworldwide.wordpress.com/ https://www.youtube.com/user/MACSWorldwide https://www.facebook.com/MACSW https://www.linkedin.com/start/join?trk=login_reg_redirect&session_redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fgroups%2F1759747 https://www.twitter.com/MACS_Worldwide http://www.macsw.org/web/MACS https://macsworldwide.wordpress.com/