Chapter 10. IRP - PRISM What is PRISM The Performance and Registration Information Systems Management (PRISM) program was developed to meet the challenge of reducing the number of commercial vehicle crashes of a rapidly expanding interstate carrier population. It has increased the efficiency and effectiveness of Federal and State safety efforts through a more accurate process for targeting the highest-risk carriers, which allows for a more efficient allocation of scarce resources for compliance reviews and roadside inspections. The PRISM program requires that motor carriers improve their identified safety deficiencies or face progressively more stringent sanctions up to the ultimate sanction of a Federal Out-of-Service Order and concurrent State registration suspensions. The PRISM program has proven to be an effective means of motivating motor carriers to improve their compliance and performance deficiencies. Contact PRISM Camille White PRISM Program Manager Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Enforcement Division 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 United States Phone: 202-493-0442 PRISM Technical Support: For questions regarding technical support, please contact: 09/19