Chapter 14. Online Transactions Request a Police Crash Report Click here for the online Crash Report CRASH REPORTS ARE NO LONGER CONSIDERED PUBLIC RECORD. The ability to request a copy online of a Police Crash Report has been restored. The amended process supports changes to the data sharing policy and access to the RMV systems to comply with the Work and Family Mobility Act that went into effect July 1, 2023. Standard or certified copies of a Motor Vehicle Police Crash Report can be requested by an individual involved in the crash or by a Permitted User under the Federal Driver Privacy Protection Act (DPPA). The search fee is $20 for both versions. A copy of a Motor Vehicle Police Crash Report can be requested online via For more information, see the how-to-page: Request a Copy of a Police Crash Report. All customers with a Massachusetts issued credential must request a copy of the police crash report online. Individuals involved in the crash * You must have been involved in the crash, and be one of the following: - Operator of vehicle - Vehicle Owner - Occupant in vehicle - Vulnerable User involved in crash (formerly non-motorist) - Witness to the crash - Property Owner (if there was property damage due to the crash) * You must have a current or expired Massachusetts Driver's License or ID card. - Individuals with an Out-of-State Driver's License or ID card must submit a Police Crash Report Request by mail. DPPA Permitted User * Your organization must have completed the Crash System Account Request Form and received approval from the RMV. * You must have completed the Crash System User Request Form and received approval from the RMV. * You must provide your organization's Crash Account ID number and your registered email address.