Chapter 3. Vanpool Plates Vanpool: A. Definition: Vanpool plates are issued to any vehicle designed to carry 7 to 15 dults, including the driver, who commute to work on a daily basis. A vanpool must include a minimum of 7 people. The application for registration must always be accompanied by a certification of eligibility form from MassRides. This same form must also accompany every renewal application. B. Plate Types: There is one type of vanpool plate. Vanpool Normal (plate Type: VPN) Vanpool Normal plates consist of four numbers (from 1000 through 9999). C. Plates Issued: Vanpool Normal-Two plates are issued. D. Plate Fees: There are no fees charged when registering a vanpool vehicle expect when transferring the registration. E. Expiration Date: Vanpool plates expire biennially on a staggered basis based on the last digit of the plate. 01/01