Chapter 3. Motorcycle Plates B. Plate Types: There are four types of motorcycle plates continued: Also included in the motorcycle reserved series are Blue Knight plates and Red Knight plates. Blue Knight Plates(Plate Type: MCR) Definition: A motorcycle Blue Knight plate is issued to police officers who are members of the Blue Knights Motorcycle Club. This club is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement men and women who enjoy riding motorcycles. Blue Knight plates begin with the letters " BK " followed by one to three numbers (0-999) or two numbers (0-99) followed by a letter (A-Z). Example: BK23. Eligibility: The President of a Massachusetts Chapter of the Blue Knights International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club determines if a member may apply for a motorcycle BLUE KNIGHT plate. To apply for a BLUE KNIGHT plate, a customer must, first, write a letter to the President of the local Blue Knights Chapter in his/her area and request the plate. The letter should specify the customer's qualifications to receive the plate. Upon submittal of the letter, the Chapter President is authorized by the RMV to approve the application for a BLUE KNIGHT plate. After the Chapter President approves issuance of the requested plate, he/she forwards the letter and any other documentation to the RMV Special Plate Section. The Registrar may authorize issuance of a BLUE KNIGHT plate on the recommendation of the Chapter President. Available At: A motorcycle BLUE KNIGHT plate is only available through the RMV's Special Plates Section. When the plate is manufactured, it is delivered to an RMV branch near the customer for pickup. C. Plates Issued: Motorcycle Plates - All Types - One plate is issued. D. Plate Fees: Plate is charged the annual registration fee of $20 plus a $20 Special plate fee. E. Expiration: Motorcycle Blue Knight plate must be renewed annually. All motorcycle plates expire on December 31. 08/12