Chapter 3. Authority Plates Authority: A. Definition: Authority plates are issued to vehicles that are owned by private industries that serve the public, for example, MBTA, Water Resource Authority. Authority plates can be issued at certain branch offices. B. Plate Types: There are two types of authority plates: Normal Series (Plate Type: ATN) Code Normal Series plates consist of one to four numbers. Motorcycle Series (Plate Type: AXN) Motorcycle Series plates consist of one to four numbers. ATLAS maintains the following Authority Plate codes: Authority Name Code ATN Greater Attleboro-Taunton Regional Transit ATN Brockton Area Transit ATN Berkshire Regional Transit ATN Cape Ann Transit ATN Franklin Regional Transit ATN Greenfield Montague Transit ATN Mass. Bay Transit Authority AXN Mass. Bay Transit Authority Motorcycle Series ATN Mass. Bay Transit Police C. Plates Issued: Normal Authority Vehicle - Two plates are issued. Authority Motorcycle - One plate is issued. Authority Trailer - One plate is issued, and the other plate will be discarded by the Clerk D. Fees: There are no fees charged when registering an authority vehicle. E. Expiration Date: Authority plates have no expiration date. The registration becomes effective on the date the plates are issued and remains effective until the plates are canceled. 10/07 Authority Name ATN Merrimack Valley Regional Transit ATN Montachusett Transit ATN Martha's Vineyard Transit Authority ATN Nantucket Regional Transit ATN Pioneer Valley Transit ATN Southeastern Transit ATN Mass. Turnpike Authority ATN Water Resource Authority ATN Worcester Regional Transit Authority