Chapter 7. Hearings Public Safety Suspension/Complaint Hearings The RMV holds administrative hearings when a complaint is received concerning an issue of public safety. At least 14 days prior to any suspension/revocation action, the Registrar will schedule a hearing on the matter and issue a hearing notice to your address on file. The RMV schedules these hearings before the suspension/revocation becomes effective in order to advise you of the basis of the complaint against you. A hearing notice will notify you of the date & time to appear for a hearing at an RMV Service Center. If you fail to appear at this scheduled hearing, the RMV will suspend/revoke your driver's license indefinitely, effective 10 days from the date of the hearing. During this hearing, the RMV Hearings Officer will review all documentation in support of the request for suspension/revocation under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 90 Section 22(b). You are entitled to examine all documents submitted in request of the suspension/ revocation and provide any information, whether written or testimonial, in support of your position. An RMV Hearings Officer, on behalf of the Registrar, will make a decision and take action if it is determined that such action is supported by substantial evidence. You will be told the final decision at the hearing or contacted within 10 business days of the final decision. Additional Resources for Public Safety Suspension/Complaint Hearings Discretionary/Mandatory/Public Safety Suspensions 06/18