Chapter 7. Hearings Property Damage Claim Suspension Hearings The RMV holds administrative hearings when a property damage claim is received. 14 days prior to any suspension/revocation action, the Registrar will schedule a hearing on the matter and issue a hearing notice to your address on file. You must obtain a signed release of judgment from the plaintiff and present such documentation to an RMV Hearings Officer prior to the intended date of suspension/revocation. If a release of judgment is not filed prior to the intended date of suspension/revocation, your learner's permit/ driver's license, or right to operate, and/or registration will be suspended/revoked, and remain suspended/revoked until a release of judgment is filed. Additional Resources for Property damage claim suspension hearings * Property Damage Claim Suspension Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Suspension Hearings All CDL disqualifications are mandatory by law; the RMV does not have discretion on these disqualifications. An operator with a CDL disqualification is not eligible to apply for a hardship license; therefore, hearings for CDL disqualifications are not granted. However, you may request a hearing to dispute the accuracy of the RMV's record only. If you feel that an error has been made, you will need to present documentation to demonstrate that you were found not guilty or not responsible for the reported violation. Additional Resources for Commercial driver's license (CDL) suspension hearings * Commercial driver's license (CDL) suspensions 06/18