Chapter 8. Passenger Special Plates: Medical/Disability Definition of Veteran An amendment has been made to the definition of a " veteran " under Massachusetts Law. A veteran will be required to have either... * 180 days of regular active duty service (enlisted or drafted service) and a last discharge or release under honorable conditions (does not include training) or * 90 days of active duty service (Reservist or National Guard), one day of which is during " wartime " and a last discharge or release under honorable conditions (does not including training). What does an " Uncharacterized Discharge " mean? An " Uncharactorized Discharge " from military service in one which is not any of the following: * Honorable * General * Dishonorable If " uncharacterized Discharge " appears in the Character of Service box, then the customer is not eligible for Veteran's plates or for the Veteran's Indicator on a license or ID. If a customer believes he or she was honorably discharged, but his/her discharge documents list an " Uncharactorized Discharge, " he/she should be advised to get this corrected through the: U.S. Veteran's Department 15 New Sudbury St. #15 Boston, MA 02203 (617) 210-5765 05/12