Chapter 1-3 Insurance Certification Policy What should be indicated on the RMV-1 section 49B Manual Class? Section 49B should indicate either “P” for Personal Auto Policy or “C” for Commercial Auto Policy. P&B is also acceptable. RMV personnel should not reject the application if the information is not provided in 49B. What should be indicated on the RMV-1 section 49C Ins. Company & Code? Section 49C should indicate the insurance company three digit code as provided in the stamp. RMV personnel should not reject the application if the information is not provided in 49C since it is included as part of the insurance stamp. What do I look for when verifying an insurance stamp? An insurance stamp must meet all the following criteria: • Must have insurance company name printed on the stamp horizontally. • Should include the agency name, company representative’s name, location, or producer code printed horizontally (when applicable). • Must have the three digit insurance company code printed on the stamp vertically. • Must have the authorized representative’s signature line printed horizontally at the bottom of the stamp. This must have the WRITTEN (original) signature of the authorized representative. A stamped signature is not allowed. Any document baring a stamped signature must be rejected. • Stamp Must fit within the appropriate boxes on all Registry forms (RMV-1, RMV-2, RMV-3). The applicable size to fit all documents is 5/8 X 2 5/8 wide. 8/05 1:15