Chapter 11-9 7D Semi-Annual Inspections 7D Semi-Annual Inspection In addition to the annual state inspection, 7D vehicles are required to have a semi-annual safety inspection in accordance with M.G.L. c. 90, s. 7A. These additional inspections take place in February-March and again in October-November. 7D inspections are not incorporated with the yearly state inspection so you may need to locate a station other than your normal state inspection facility. Click here to find a listing of all 7D inspection stations by city or town. 7D inspection stickers are affixed to the center of the windshield just below the tinted AS1 line. The February-March sticker is green and is valid from February 1 through November 30. The October—November sticker is orange and is valid from October 1 through March 31. During the months of February-March and October-November in which inspections are conducted, a vehicle may display either a green or orange sticker. The 7D inspection sticker is marked with different years. When the vehicle receives its semi-annual 7D inspection, the inspector punches a hole in the year in which the sticker will expire. 10/08 11:29