RMV RMV Mail Mail Directory If you need to send mail correspondence to the MA RMV, please use the table below to find the required RMV Department and Box #. Please insert that information in the address below: Registry of Motor Vehicles (Department Name) (Box #) Boston, MA (Zip Code) Department General Mail Mail in Registration Vehicle Inspections Merit Rating - Police Copies Merit Rating - Citations Merit Rating - Hearings Special Plates - IRP Title Department - Returns Driver Control Suspension Certified Dealer Repair Merit Rating - Warnings Box # 55889 55891 55892 55893 55890 55894 55895 55885 55896 55897 55898 Zip Code 02205-5889 02205-5891 02205-5892 02205-5893 02205-5890 02205-5894 02205-5895 02205-5885 02205-5896 02205-5897 02205-5898 For any Departments not covered above, please use the General Mail Department Box. 09/11 3