Chapter 4-13 Passenger Special Plates Passenger Special (Plate Type: PAS) Passenger special plates must be approved by the appropriate section and consist of the following series: Environmental: Blackstone Valley; Cape & Islands; Fish & Wildlife: Right Whale/Roseate Tern Government: Governor’s Council; Honorary Consular Corps; House of Representatives; Senate; US Congress; US Senate Military: Bronze Star; Congressional Medal of Honor; Distinguished Flying Cross; ExPOW; Gold Star Family; Legion of Valor; National Guard; Pearl Harbor Survivor; Purple Heart; Silver Star; Veteran Medical/Disability: Disabled Plate/Placard; Disabled Vanity; Disabled Veteran; Disabled; Medical Doctor (MD) Sports: Basketball Hall of Fame; Bruins; Bruins/Youth Hockey; Celtics; New England Patriots; Olympic Spirit; Red Sox/Jimmy Fund Other: Antique; Antique Vanity; Conquer Cancer Coalition; Choose Life; Cure Breast Cancer; Emergency Vehicles; Fenway Park (mini); Firefighters Memorial; Ham Radio Operator; Invest in Children; Limited Use Vehicles; Low Speed Vehicles; MAC Plate (Massachusetts Animal Coalition Plate); News Photographer; United We Stand If you want to see a new Passenger Special Plate Issued in MA, click here for Special Plate Guidelines & Specifications. 05/10 4:48