Chapter 8-4 Melanie’s Law and Ignition Interlock Lifetime Look Back OUI Project Effective November 28, 2002, Massachusetts Law requires that OUI offenses stay on a customer’s driving record for life. Therefore, all convictions, regardless of age, are to be considered for purposes of calculating multiple offenses. Lifetime Look Back Violations OUI and Homicide violations that will be affected by the “lifetime look back” and permanently retained on a customer’s record are: • Motor Vehicle Homicide • DWI Liquor • DWI Drugs • OUI Boating • DWI Alcohol/Drugs • OOS Liquor/OOS Drugs • DWI Serious Injury • CDL DWI Liquor • CDL DWI Drugs All other violations will still be posted for 10 years. 11/02 8:48