Chapter 8-4 Melanie’s Law and Ignition Interlock Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol While Already Suspended for OUI Melanie’s Law establishes a new offense of Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol and Operating After Suspension for Drunk Driving. This means that a driver, who was driving under the influence of alcohol while his/her license was already suspended for OUI, can be charged with two crimes at once: 1.) OUI and 2.) OUI with a suspended license. This additional offense carries a minimum of a 1-year mandatory jail sentence. Law Penalty Loss of License 1 year license suspension OUI while operating after a 1-year minimum suspension for a previous mandatory sentence – 2 ½ years imprisonment in OUI offense a house of correction and a fine of $2,500 - $10,000. Child Endangerment While Operating a Motor Vehicle Under Influence of Alcohol Melanie’s Law creates a new crime of Operating a Motor Vehicle Under the Influence of Alcohol With a Child 14 Years of Age or Younger in the Vehicle. This means that a driver can be charged with two crimes at once: 1.) OUI and 2.) Child Endangerment While OUI. Law Penalty Loss of License 1st Offense = 1 year Operating a motor vehicle 1st Offense = 90 days – 2 ½ years imprisonment in license suspension under the influence of a house of correction, and alcohol with a child 14 2nd Offense = 3 year years of age or younger in a $1,000-$5,000 fine. license suspension the vehicle 2nd Offense = 6 months – 2 ½ years in a house of correction and a fine of $5000 - $10,000, 8:50