Chapter 8-7 SR-22 Financial Responsibility We are delighted that the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) has stepped in to assist those who are eligible to regain their driving privileges once they have filed an SR-22. Below are the steps the person must follow: 1. Go to a walk-in hearing at the RMV. Bring along documentation indicating the need for an SR-22 from the state requiring the financial responsibility filing. 2. If there are no other issued with the person’s Massachusetts driving privileges (unpaid parking tickets, excise tax, child support, etc), and as long as this is their FIRST DUI (if that is the violation the SR-22 is required for), the hearing office will reinstate the MA driving privileges for a 30 day period. 3. At this point, the person may legally drive in Massachusetts (but not in the state requiring the SR-22) for a period of 30 days. 4. Once the SR-22 is filed, the state requiring it will issue a release indicating that the person’s driving privileges in that state are reinstated. A copy of this release must be provided to the hearing officer within the 30 day time frame or the hearing office will order the license to be suspended or revoked again. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles can only temporarily reinstate driving privileges to a person who had a Massachusetts Drivers License that was suspended or revoked. If your customer had an out of state license suspended and then moved to Massachusetts before clearing up their violation—the Massachusetts RMV CANNOT help them with a reinstatement—this must be taken care of in the state that the violation occurred. 8:67