Agilent eBook - 5

Best Quantification Practices
with the Agilent 5200 Fragment
Analyzer System


Chava Pocernich, Jolita Uthe,
Whitney Pike, and Kit‑Sum Wong,
Agilent Technologies, Inc.

Quality control checkpoints for concentration are a necessity for many nucleic
acid applications and ensures successful outcomes. The Agilent 5200 Fragment
Analyzer system provides reliable quantification for fragments and smears with
Agilent ProSize data analysis software. This Application Note describes factors that
affect quantification and the best practices for achieving accurate quantification of
the sample.
Accurate and reliable DNA quantification is essential for many applications such
as PCR and library preparations. Reliable results can be obtained when using best
measurement practices on the Agilent 5200 Fragment Analyzer system. Best
measurement practices can be optimized by choosing the correct analysis kit for
the size and concentration of the sample. In addition, thoroughly mixing the sample
according to each kit protocol, minimizing pipetting error, and proper sample
preparation aids in attaining the best quantification results possible.



The experiments in this study were performed using an Agilent 5200 Fragment
Analyzer system and can be replicated with comparable results on Agilent 5300
and 5400 Fragment Analyzer systems.

Additional Content
Webinar: 'Importance of QC
in NGS Library Preparation'
hear why EMBL uses the
Fragment Analyzer for
their QC.


Agilent eBook

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Agilent eBook

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