Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 326

for the treatment and potential cure of numerous human
genetic diseases. These viruses are nonpathogenic, exhibit
lower immunogenicity than most viruses, and are capable
of transducing a variety of cell types.1,2 In addition, a viral
vector can package*4.7 kb of DNA, be produced at scale
to meet clinical trial demands with evolved capsids and
tissue-specific cassette design that allow for targeted delivery
and expression.3-6 The icosahedral AAV capsid is
composed of viral proteins (VP) VP1, VP2, and VP3 in an
*1:1:10 ratio.7-10
Recent evidence suggests that the VP ratios comprising
an AAV capsid population may be more divergent and
variable than earlier data indicated.11 The design and directed
evolution ofVPs provide a unique platform to test the
impact of amino acid changes on the immune evasion and
tissue tropism of AAV. There will likely be a continued
need to improve the manufacturability and in vivo efficacy
as more genetic indications are targeted for treatment.
Using the search term ''adeno associated virus,'' there
are >100 clinical trials ongoing in the United States that
utilize recombinant AAV (rAAV) to deliver genetic cargo
to correct genetic diseases ( As technology
improves and demand increases, the number of
approved rAAV gene therapies will likely increase dramatically.
Manufacturing of rAAV typically relies on the
following genetic components provided in trans: Rep and
Cap genes, target DNAflanked by inverted terminal repeats
(ITRs), and adenovirus helper genes. These are located on
separate DNAmolecules to minimize the packaging of offtarget
DNA sequences. Despite these efforts, residual host
and plasmid DNA, partially packaged target DNA, and
empty capsids are often purified with rAAV capsids that
contain the therapeutic gene of interest.12-14
These product-related impurities may cause unwanted
results during administration to humans; however, the
contribution of empty capsids toward in vivo efficacy is
not clear. Animal studies with AAV8 demonstrate a reduced
efficacy when partially-packaged or empty AAV
capsids were present.12 Alternatively, other studies have
shown that these impurities may act as decoys for the host
immune system, thereby improving full vector efficacy.15,16
Regardless of the in vivo impact, it is clear that for
a gene therapy program to advance, analytical capabilities
must be able to quantify the levels of empty and full
capsids in manufactured AAV.
Previous studies have demonstrated the capability of
analytical methods to quantify full, partial, and empty capsids.17-22
Both cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM)
and sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation
(SV-AUC) have been used to gain fundamental knowledge
and to quantify full and empty particles of AAV.18,23-27
Mass photometry as well as orbitrap-based charge-detection
mass spectrometry have demonstrated utility for quantification
of full, partial, and empty capsids.28,29 In addition,
size exclusion chromatography with UV and multiangle
light scattering (SEC-MALS) has been applied to quantify
numerous critical quality attributes (CQAs) of AAV.30,31
Additional approaches that quantify the nucleic acid content
and capsid concentrations have been used to obtain a ratio of
genome to capsid content. The absorbance profile ofpurified
rAAV vectors without separation by chromatography has
also been used to quantifyDNAand protein content, thereby
obtaining a full-to-empty ratio.17
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
(ARVC) is a cardiac condition that is caused by several
factors.32 Several genetic loci have been associated with
manifestation of ARVC,33 which suggests that gene
therapy may be a viable approach to treatment. To this end,
a capsid variant derived from AAV9 was isolated from
directed evolution studies, named STRV84, and used for
program advancement. In addition, a DNA cassette with
tissue-specific regulatory control of a gene believed to
improve the ARVC condition was developed. This vector,
named STRX-330, was produced within StrideBio as part
of preclinical studies. As part of the program advancement,
analytical methods were developed. Because full-toempty
quantification is a known CQA for gene therapies,
multiple approaches to assess this CQA were performed.
Specifically, SV-AUC, cryo-EM, SEC-MALS, droplet
digital PCR (ddPCR)/enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA), and bulk absorbance measurements (via the
Stunner instrument from Unchained Labs) were used to
quantify full and empty particles. A test article from a 200L
process confirmation production was used to develop and
optimize a SEC-MALS method. For comparison of all
methods, material from a 500L production was used. This
material was also used in a non-Good Laboratory Practices
(GLP) animal study for a gene therapy program. Of the
tested methods, SEC-MALS displayed the strongest agreement
with SV-AUC and required minimal development and
optimization. In addition, the concentration of vector genomes
(VG) obtained by SEC-MALS was in agreementwith
DNase-resistant ddPCR and data from the Stunner instrument.
Because of the impact of dosing on preclinical studies,
the use of multiple methods to quantify VG is beneficial.
Furthermore, forced degradation studies with pH conditions
demonstrated that SEC-MALS was similar to
ddPCR, capsid ELISA, and a cell-based assay (50% tissue
culture infectivity [TCID50]) in the ability to measure
product instability. The data support that SEC-MALS is a
robust analytical technique for advancement of gene
therapy programs.
Reagents, chemicals, and supplies
The HeLaRC32 cell line (catalog CRL-2972) and
Adenovirus serotype 5 (catalog VR-1516) were purchased

Human Gene Therapy - April 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Human Gene Therapy - April 2023

Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - CT1
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - CT2
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - Cover1
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - Cover2
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 239
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 240
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 241
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 242
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 243
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 244
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - Contents
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 246
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 247
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 248
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 249
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 250
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 251
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 252
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 253
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 254
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 255
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 256
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 257
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 258
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 259
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 260
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 261
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 262
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 263
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 264
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 265
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 266
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 267
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 268
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 269
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 270
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 271
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 272
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 273
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 274
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 275
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 276
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 277
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 278
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 279
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 280
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 281
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 282
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 283
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 284
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 285
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 286
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 287
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 288
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 289
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 290
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 291
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 292
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 293
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 294
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 295
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 296
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 297
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 298
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 299
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 300
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 301
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 302
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 303
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 304
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 305
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 306
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 307
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 308
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 309
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 310
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 311
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 312
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 313
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 314
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 315
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 316
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 317
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 318
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 319
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 320
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 321
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 322
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 323
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 324
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 325
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 326
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 327
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 328
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 329
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 330
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 331
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 332
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 333
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 334
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 335
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 336
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 337
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 338
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 339
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 340
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 341
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - 342
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - Cover3
Human Gene Therapy - April 2023 - Cover4