Health Beat - Fall 2016 - 13
Steve Sjogren demonstrates the
Astym technique to physical therapy
student Jacob Simmonds. Sjogren is
one of four certifi ed Astym providers
at Salina Regional's Outpatient
Physical Therapy Clinic.
such as North's, we treat the entire arm,
as most of the time the cause of the
problem or restriction is actually near or
adjacent to the painful area. Typically,
patients are seen two times each week
for four weeks, and treatment is successful 95 percent of the time."
What Is Soft Tissue Therapy?
Astym was scientifically developed to
target the actual cause of the pain,
rather than just the symptoms. Astym
helps resolve tendinopathies, plantar
fasciitis, tennis elbow, Achilles and
patellar tendonitis, scar tissue problems
and other soft tissue dysfunctions. It is
the regenerative medicine of therapy
and is designed to restore soft tissues
at a cellular level. It rebuilds and heals
the soft tissues of the body through
regeneration of healthy soft tissues
(muscles, tendons, etc.) and removal
of unwanted scar tissue that may be
causing pain or movement restrictions.
Treatment is performed with
ergonomically designed instruments
to identify and effectively treat areas
exhibiting texture changes associated with soft tissue scar/fibrosis or
chronic tendinopathy.
Exercise and activities are then
integrated to guide the body's healing
in the best manner possible. Patients
are able to continue work, athletic
and recreation activities throughout
the treatment process.
Best of all, Astym therapy does not
involve injections or surgery. Astym
therapy has helped many people restore
movement, get rid of pain and return to a
healthy life.
Second Time Around
Two years ago, McArthur started noticing pain in a different place on his right
elbow. He didn't waste any time going
back to see the guy who helped him
return to the game several years earlier.
McArthur met with Sjogren again and
began treatment right away on the outer
For more information
about Astym treatment,
call Salina Regional's
Outpatient Physical
Therapy Clinic at
elbow. Once again, the pain was relieved
through Astym treatment. He hasn't had
elbow problems since.
Today, McArthur is still going strong
on the course and playing several times
a week. In fact, he managed to get his
second hole-in-one this past May. "I
have recommended this treatment to
many of my friends," he says. "It's
better than having surgery and less
painful, too. I'm a believer in it." 1
Can Astym Help Me?
A type of soft tissue therapy called Astym has proved
successful for many chronic injuries, work-related injuries and sports injuries, including carpal tunnel syndrome,
lateral epicondylitis, medical epicondylitis, plantar fasciitis,
Achilles tendonitis, patellar tendonitis, hamstring strains,
IT band syndrome and postsurgical scarring.
Typical treatment process
D Patient is evaluated by an Astym-certified clinician to
see whether therapy can be effective.
D If appropriate, the patient is seen twice a week.
D Patients are responsible for maintaining a home
stretching program.
D As the soft tissue changes, pain decreases and
function increases.
D Use of braces and splints is minimized.
D Activity is encouraged.
D Treatment lasts six to 12 sessions.
D Patient is discharged from treatment with improved
function, decreased pain and the knowledge of how to
manage the physical stresses incurred with activity.
D Physician referral is required.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Health Beat - Fall 2016
In This Issue
Health Beat - Fall 2016 - In This Issue
Health Beat - Fall 2016 - 2
Health Beat - Fall 2016 - 3
Health Beat - Fall 2016 - 4
Health Beat - Fall 2016 - 5
Health Beat - Fall 2016 - 6
Health Beat - Fall 2016 - 7
Health Beat - Fall 2016 - 8
Health Beat - Fall 2016 - 9
Health Beat - Fall 2016 - 10
Health Beat - Fall 2016 - 11
Health Beat - Fall 2016 - 12
Health Beat - Fall 2016 - 13
Health Beat - Fall 2016 - 14
Health Beat - Fall 2016 - 15
Health Beat - Fall 2016 - 16