Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 9
Physical therapist
Maggie Ginest helps
James Lambert regain
his strength and range
of motion following hip
replacement surgery.
Better Results
Rump performed an anterior
hip replacement on Lambert
using the Mako roboticarm assisted surgery. This
approach provided several
benefits during surgery and
in recovery.
Prior to surgery, a CT
scan of the hip joint is taken
in order to generate a 3D
virtual model of the patient's
unique anatomy. The 3D
model helps the surgeon see
details that can't typically
be seen with an X-ray alone,
and that information helps
the surgeon determine the
optimal size, placement and position of
the implant.
In the operating room, the surgeon
guides the Mako's robotic arm to remove
the arthritic bone and cartilage from the
hip. As the surgeon prepares to place
the implant into its final position, the
robotic arm guides the implant at the
desired angle and alignment.
Rump employed the "direct anterior approach," which helped shorten
Lambert's recovery time. During hip
replacement, the surgeon has to get
past muscle and soft tissue to access the
bones of the joint, either from the side,
the back or the front of the body. During
the anterior approach, the surgeon
comes from the front and pushes the soft
tissue aside to access the hip joint, rather
than detaching any tendons or muscle.
"There was a night and day difference between my first hip surgery and
"With electronic medical
the surgery that Dr. Rump
records, Dr. Rump can check
performed. It was less invaon his patients' progress
sive, my recovery time was
regularly through our progso much quicker and I had
a lot less pain. And trust
ress notes that show their
me, less pain is the key,"
strength measurements, goals
Lambert says.
and progress," Ginest says.
"It was a great experiExpertise of the physical
therapist must be met with
ence. I would encourage
anyone needing hip replace- Travis Rump, D.O., motivation from the patient,
orthopedic surgeon
Rump says. "Mr. Lambert was
ment surgery to have it
very driven and worked hard
done using this procedure."
at therapy to get back to the activities
Studies have shown that the direct
that he enjoys."
anterior approach "provides faster
Salina Regional Outpatient Physical
return to function with improved pain
Therapy Clinic sees a wide range of
scores," Rump says. "Mr. Lambert's
patients. Many of their therapists are
positive outcome is a reflection of
also certified in specialties such as dry
those studies."
needling, Astym treatment, concussion management, vertigo treatment,
Physical Therapy
LSVT BIG (a movement program for
Important to Recovery
Parkinson's disease), balance and fall
After surgery, Lambert did his physical
prevention and aquatic therapy. The
therapy at Salina Regional Outpatient
equipment at the clinic includes an
Physical Therapy Clinic. He saw physical
anti-gravity treadmill, Biodex Balance
therapist Maggie Ginest two times per
Master, decompression tables and an
week for six weeks.
"I really enjoyed working with James. isokinetic strength machine.
"The outpatient physical therapy
He worked hard and also did his exerclinic is a great place," Lambert says.
cise at home, which really helps in the
"They worked me hard and it felt great
recovery," Ginest says. "He progressed
when I left."
exceptionally well and gained full range
Lambert just retired from Kansas Gas
of motion with no limitations. In fact, he
Service after 36 years and is ready to
was just given the OK to start playing
begin his retirement feeling good. "I'm
golf again."
rolling into retirement with a couple of
Rump and the physical therapy team
new hips ready to do some dancing," he
work together to make sure the patient
says, laughing. 1
gets the best individualized plan.
For more information on orthopedic surgeries, sports
injuries and physical therapy, or to schedule an
appointment, call Salina Regional Orthopedic and
Sports Medicine Clinic at 785-452-7366.
FIND OUT more at
Health Beat - Summer 2020
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Health Beat - Summer 2020
Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 1
Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 2
Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 3
Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 4
Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 5
Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 6
Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 7
Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 8
Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 9
Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 10
Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 11
Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 12
Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 13
Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 14
Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 15
Health Beat - Summer 2020 - 16