CAR SECURITY Connecting cars to the Internet and cloud-based services has clear benefits for both drivers and passengers with features ranging from navigation systems with live search functions to streaming audio options. But along with connectivity comes a certain level of risk-cybersecurity concerns recently exposed in hacks of a Jeep SUV and the Nissan Leaf EV (electric vehicle). Now, experts say, the same connectivity may also offer a solution to this cybersecurity problem, in the form of over-the-air updates. And better computing power in a vehicle could offer a panacea, as well. "THE MAIN ISSUE IS NOT S O M U C H D A T A P R I V A C Y- I N FO R M AT I O N A B O U T W H E R E THE DRIVER IS GOING AND W H AT H E I S D O I N G - B U T I T 'S P R I M A R I LY A C R I T I C A L S A F E T Y I S S U E ." -Michela Menting, ABI research C TA . t e c h / i 3 MAY/JUNE 2016 15