i3 - March/April 2017 - 23

Self-Driving Vehicles
Working Group

Toyota Concept-i

CTA's Self-Driving Vehicles Working
Group (SDVWG) aims to drive the
adoption of self-driving vehicles and
driver-assist technologies across
American roadways expediently and
safely. SDVWG Chair Jessica Nigro,
manager, Outreach and Innovation
Policy at Daimler North America Corp.,

vehicle, Goodman said. The new vehicle
also has six stereo cameras integrated
in roof rack rails (one on the front, side
and rear of each rail), and six radars
(short-to-medium range units in the
four corners of the vehicle, and one
long-range unit in the front and rear).
Six Intel Core i7 CPUs and two NVIDIA
GPUs process the sensor data and
provide AI. So, the new vehicle can
manage driving situations that last year's
prototype could not, Goodman said.


TOYOTA unveiled Concept-i, which
uses AI and sensors inside and outside
the vehicle to detect and monitor
both a driver's emotions and road
conditions, so it can offer either automated driving support (augmented by
visual or haptic stimuli) or fully-selfdriving capabilities when necessary.

or her judgments and, based
on the driver's decision history,
offers suggestions and recommendations. For example, it can
suggest a music choice based
on mood. NeuV is a component
of Honda's Cooperative Mobility
Ecosystem, introduced at CES,
along with DreamWorks Animation. That collaboration aims
to develop new cross-platform
augmented reality and virtual
reality content and solutions for
future vehicles. Honda provided
examples at CES presenting
Honda Dream Drive, a proofof-concept in-car virtual reality
prototype featuring exclusive
Dreamworks Animation content.
Panasonic launched the Panasonic Cognitive Infotainment
platform (PCI), which leverages
IBM's Watson cognitive technology (for deep natural language
C TA . t e c h / i 3

VALEO demonstrated how semi-selfdriving driving capabilities and ADAS
(advanced driver assistance systems)
can be improved with new hardware,
software and connectivity, augmenting
technologies already offered in vehicles.
Staged rides showed off four innovations
the company debuted at CES: eCruise4U,

processing) and cloud connectivity to answer questions and
provide recommendations and
directions while the vehicle is
driving to a destination. PCI also
enables e-commerce transactions from within the vehicle.
Panasonic demonstrated this at
CES with a mock fast-food purchase showing attendees how
an order can be verbally placed
through the infotainment system, paid for from the car and
timed for on-time pickup.
Valeo unveiled the Experience
of Traveling Cockpit for driverless vehicles. It divides the user
experience into three phases:
the "task of driving" phase,
when a human is in control, uses
projected and moving light to
draw the driver's attention to
hazards on the road or in a blind
spot, and emits an energizing

says, "Technology almost always moves
faster than policy. But for society to
realize the full benefits of automated
driving systems (ADS), sound policy and
consumer acceptance need to advance.
CTA's SDVWG companies are joining
forces to remove roadblocks and make
ADS commercialization a reality."

a self-driving driving
system for electric
vehicles; XtraVue,
a set of computervision cameras that
can connect to and
communicate with
identical cameras in
other vehicles to show
drivers what they
otherwise couldn't see
on the road ahead;
360AEB Nearshield,
a self-driving braking
system that alerts
drivers to obstacles in the vehicle's blind
spots and automatically stops the vehicle
to prevent impact if necessary; and
C-Stream, a sensor module that replaces
the rear-view mirror, maps the vehicle's
cabin, determines the number of
people in the vehicle and monitors
the driver's alertness level.

fragrance from the cabin vents
to help wake a drowsy driver.
Next, the "experience of traveling phase," is when the vehicle
is driving itself, offers gesturecontrolled reading lamps (the
size of their beams adjusted
with hand movements), an
ionizer that releases a relaxing
fragrance, and a cooling mist
dispenser that maintains an
optimal humidity level in the
passenger cabin. Finally, the
"back to drive" phase, is when
the driver is required to take
back control of the vehicle, uses
flashing lights to guide his or her
attention back to the steering
wheel and releases an energizing fragrance from the vents.

Cockpit (3D) positions two
screens one behind the other,
creating a three-dimensional
effect that the automaker says
makes navigating the displays
easier to learn. Eye tracking
monitors where the user is looking on the 3D display and calls
up the desired control or information. And an AR (augmented
reality) heads-up display (HUD)
projects information in virtual
form on two levels, which appear to be on the road itself,
in front of the vehicle. Level 1
provides navigation route data
or the distance to the vehicle
ahead. Level 2 includes any
other data, including infotainment or personal information.

Volkswagen demonstrated its
vision for next generation user
interfaces in an interactive experience at its booth. The Digital

With technology developments
advancing so quickly, CES 2018
should contain even more
surprise announcements. ■


http://www.toyota.com http://www.valeo.com http://www.panasonic.com http://www.vw.com http://www.cta.tech/i3

i3 - March/April 2017

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of i3 - March/April 2017

i3 - March/April 2017 - Cover1
i3 - March/April 2017 - Cover2
i3 - March/April 2017 - Contents
i3 - March/April 2017 - 2
i3 - March/April 2017 - 3
i3 - March/April 2017 - 4
i3 - March/April 2017 - 5
i3 - March/April 2017 - 6
i3 - March/April 2017 - 7
i3 - March/April 2017 - 8
i3 - March/April 2017 - 9
i3 - March/April 2017 - 10
i3 - March/April 2017 - 11
i3 - March/April 2017 - 12
i3 - March/April 2017 - 13
i3 - March/April 2017 - 14
i3 - March/April 2017 - 15
i3 - March/April 2017 - 16
i3 - March/April 2017 - 17
i3 - March/April 2017 - 18
i3 - March/April 2017 - 19
i3 - March/April 2017 - 20
i3 - March/April 2017 - 21
i3 - March/April 2017 - 22
i3 - March/April 2017 - 23
i3 - March/April 2017 - 24
i3 - March/April 2017 - 25
i3 - March/April 2017 - 26
i3 - March/April 2017 - 27
i3 - March/April 2017 - 28
i3 - March/April 2017 - 29
i3 - March/April 2017 - 30
i3 - March/April 2017 - 31
i3 - March/April 2017 - 32
i3 - March/April 2017 - 33
i3 - March/April 2017 - 34
i3 - March/April 2017 - 35
i3 - March/April 2017 - 36
i3 - March/April 2017 - 37
i3 - March/April 2017 - 38
i3 - March/April 2017 - 39
i3 - March/April 2017 - 40
i3 - March/April 2017 - 41
i3 - March/April 2017 - 42
i3 - March/April 2017 - 43
i3 - March/April 2017 - 44
i3 - March/April 2017 - 45
i3 - March/April 2017 - 46
i3 - March/April 2017 - 47
i3 - March/April 2017 - 48
i3 - March/April 2017 - 49
i3 - March/April 2017 - 50
i3 - March/April 2017 - 51
i3 - March/April 2017 - 52
i3 - March/April 2017 - Cover3
i3 - March/April 2017 - Cover4