Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - 11
allowed Amari to have a rela-
a working mom, there were
tively normal childhood.
times when I had to leave
As he entered his teen
Amari's side to go into the
years, Amari's heart increas-
office. The layer of comfort
ingly had trouble keeping up
the team provided cannot
with his growth spurts, and
be underestimated."
it began to weaken and fail.
"University of Maryland Children's
Hospital provided excellent care for
Amari. They were amazingly
supportive from start to finish."
-Juaquinna Hall, Amari's mom
Now back at home with
"I have several of the nurses'
A heart transplant was Amari's
a new heart, Amari is figuring
it was cancer. They wanted
only option for survival.
out his new normal. Along with
Gabbi to have the most
personal cellphone numbers
In December 2016, he
taking 28 medications each day,
comprehensive work-up
in my phone," Miller says. "They
became an inpatient at UMCH
he has frequent follow-up visits
possible, so they transferred
were always excited to care for
and was moved to the top
to see his pediatric cardiolo-
us to UM Children's Hospital."
Gabbi when she would come
of the transplant waiting list.
gist, Carissa Baker-Smith, MD,
Months went by; Amari and
MPH, assistant professor of
met Teresa York, MD, assis-
Miller says the child life
his family spent Christmas
pediatrics at UMSOM and a
tant professor of pediatrics
specialists at UMCH went
and his 15th birthday in the
pediatric cardiologist at UMCH.
at UMSOM and division head
above and beyond to help
hospital. Through it all, he
It's a big-league task for Amari,
of pediatric hematology/
Gabbi feel comfortable
maintained a positive attitude
at a time when most teens
oncology at UMCH. Gabbi's
during her extended stays
and never gave up hope.
have many other things on
parents learned she had
in the hospital. They gave
their minds. But he is up for the
pre-B cell acute lymphoblastic
her kid-friendly books
challenge, and he looks forward
leukemia (ALL).
about chemotherapy and
In March, a donor heart
became available.
"Because of all of Amari's
previous surgeries, his immune
system was in overdrive. We
to becoming a chef some day.
in for chemotherapy."
It was there the family
ALL is a cancer of the bone
cancer, supplied toys and
marrow in which dysfunctional
games, connected them to
immune cells (in Gabbi's case,
Make-A-Wish Foundation,
underdeveloped B cells) crowd
and gave the family donated
had to carefully screen the
Cancer Survivor
potential donor heart to avoid
When it comes to getting calls
together in the bone marrow
tickets for events at Royal
rejection," says Sunjay Kaushal,
from the baby sitter, many
and prevent the production of
Farms Arena.
MD, PhD, associate professor
parents abide by the "no news
healthy blood cells.
of surgery at UMSOM and
is good news" mantra. When
Gabbi spent 30 days
with the nurses at UMCH,
director of pediatric and adult
Gabbi Miller was just 3½ years
receiving chemotherapy at
Gabbi wants to follow in
congenital cardiac surgery
old, her mom, Pearson Miller,
the cancer division at UMCH,
her mom's footsteps and
at UMCH, who performed the
got the dreaded call.
which works in partnership
become a nurse when she
with the University of Mary-
grows up.
transplant surgery. "Luckily,
Gabbi's nose wouldn't stop
After her experience
we found a heart that met
bleeding. It had been bleeding
land Marlene and Stewart
all the criteria."
for more than an hour by
Greenebaum Comprehensive
the time her mother rushed
Cancer Center to provide
Type 1 Diabetes
Amari's care team included
to the sitter's house. She
state-of-the-art, research-
Four days before his sixth
doctors, nurses, therapists,
called an ambulance, which
based care that is tailored
birthday, Ben Roelofs started
pharmacists, social workers
took Gabbi to the emergency
to kids. Although Gabbi was
showing signs that some-
and child life specialists.
room at the University of
then declared in remission,
thing was wrong: He was
Maryland Baltimore Washing-
she needed to continue
increasingly thirsty and was
ton Medical Center.
chemotherapy for the next
urinating much more than
The transplant was a success.
"University of Maryland
Children's Hospital provided
BEN, 7
two years, which included
usual. The Roelofs family
were amazingly supportive
says Miller. "The doctors told
regular hospital visits,
has a history of diabetes,
from start to finish," says his
us best-case scenario it was
checkups and occasional
so his parents knew he needed
mom, Juaquinna Hall. "Being
a virus, worst-case scenario
weekend stays in the hospital.
immediate medical attention.
excellent care for Amari. They
"We were totally panicked,"
University of Maryland Children's Hospital, call 410-328-6749. | Winter 2018 11
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018
In This Issue
Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - 1
Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - In This Issue
Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - 3
Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - 4
Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - 5
Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - 6
Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - 7
Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - 8
Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - 9
Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - 10
Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - 11
Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - 12
Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - 13
Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - 14
Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - 15
Maryland’s Health Matters - St. Joseph - Winter 2018 - 16