Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 18

A New Approach Transforming a health care system, transforming a community Sharon Lipford, Executive Director, Healthy Harford Across the nation, teams work with people who have seri- ■ Using smart technology. the health care ous chronic health conditions in a col- ■ Working collaboratively with commu- system is chang- laborative way and create partnerships nity organizations such as the Harf- ing at warp speed. with community agencies to improve ord/Cecil County Health Departments, Hospitals and com- the overall health of communities. The Harford/Cecil County Offices on Aging munity care systems goal is to transform the state's health are transforming in care system to be highly reliable, highly an effort to improve efficient and patient-centered. and faith-based partners. ■ Supporting primary care physicians. patients and sur- peake Health, Union Hospital of Cecil WHAT'S THE TAKE-HOME MESSAGE? rounding communi- the health of their University of Maryland Upper ChesaCounty, Healthy Harford and numer- Population health is about improving the ties. Through collaboration and active ous stakeholders in Harford and Cecil overall health of residents of Harford and partnerships, hospitals and community counties recently formed a regional Cecil counties. It means moving health agencies are starting to work together partnership based on the population care beyond the walls of a hospital to improve the health and well-being of health approach. This group is working or doctor's office. It means working the public. The term for this collaborative to develop a plan designed to improve together on behalf of a person with an approach is called population health, the overall health of those living in our illness. But it's also personal. It means which involves the overall health of the area to include: that each of us needs to take responsi- community by focusing on prevention, ■ Creating comprehensive CARE bility for our own health and wellness. wellness promotion and the treatment of new and chronic illnesses. State health care leaders envision a system in Maryland where various care centers for people with high risk Why? Did you know that 80 percent of conditions (see page 4). chronic diseases and up to 40 percent ■ Developing community-based care teams to provide outreach. of all cancers are preventable based on how we live and the choices we make? So what are the steps to wellness? ■ Take control of your health. Do you have diabetes, arthritis, back pain, lung disease, heart prob- ■ Start a conversation with your physician and treatment team. They want to work with you to get and stay healthy. lems or another condition that's keeping you from living your life to ■ Set healthy behavior goals. the fullest? This motivating, free six-week workshop is designed for ■ Use technology; your smartphone people with chronic conditions or caregivers. Each session builds upon the last to help you set goals, make action plans and improve your life. Don't wait; get yourself healthy! Call 800-515-0044 to see when you can start the program. has great apps to help you with your health goals. ■ Movement, nutrition and mindfulness are key aspects of having a healthy life. ■ Live well; be well. 18  MARYLAND'S HEALTH MATTERS THINKSTOCK 'LIVING WELL' CHRONIC DISEASE SELFMANAGEMENT PROGRAM

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016

In This Issue
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 1
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - In This Issue
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 3
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 4
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 5
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 6
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 7
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 8
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 9
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 10
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 11
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 12
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 13
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 14
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 15
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 16
Maryland’s Health Matters - Upper Chesapeake - Fall 2016 - 17
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