THIS JUST IN GOOD-FOR-YOU NEWS, CUES AND REVIEWS SAYING 'I DO' MAY ENHANCE RECOVERY FROM STROKE Happily married couples know the art of surviving whatever life throws at them. That might include stroke, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. The study found that those in a stable marriage who had never been divorced or widowed had better odds of stroke survival. Furthermore, of the more than 2,000 adults studied who experienced a stroke between 1992 and 2010, stroke mortality was 71 percent greater for adults who had never married than for adults who were continuously married. DOWNLOAD Stay Alert for Stroke Signs 36 FA L L 2017 HIKING If you're anxious, overweight or dealing with aches and pains, take a hike. That's a bit tongue-in-cheek-your physician should check out any health concern you have, especially before starting a new exercise. But hiking does offer some of the best health benefits around. 3 HEART: Physical activity such as hiking lowers blood pressure four to 10 points. This can reduce the risk of heart attack. 3 WAISTLINE: Those who lose weight through hiking or walking are more likely to continue losing it-and keep it off-than those who lose weight through dieting. 3 MIND: Endorphins and adrenaline released by walking decrease tension and lift spirits. 3 BONES: Hiking and walking slow the rate of bone loss, which begins as early as age 30 in women and accelerates rapidly after menopause. PHOTOS BY THINKSTOCK How can you recognize the sudden warning signs of stroke? Visit and click "Stroke Resources" and then "Decision Aids" to download a wallet card with quick tips on how to identify a stroke. WORKOUTS THAT WORK: