WHAT ARE THE ODDS of having a second episode of depression? 1 in 2. If you've had one bout of depression, you have a 50 percent chance of having another one, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Make sure you're monitoring your mental health with a professional if you've dealt with depression, even if you feel better now. GRILL GUIDANCE If you haven't heard about possible dangers of eating a diet high in grilled and smoked meats, it may be time to turn up the heat on this issue. Research has previously suggested that meats cooked at high temperatures might increase breast cancer risk due to the formation of potentially cancer-causing chemicals. Now, a recent study suggests barbecued, grilled or smoked meats may also lower survival after breast cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends these precautionary steps: * Choose lean meats. * Trim excess fat. * Avoid charring meats or eating burned or black portions of meat. JARGON WATCH IMMUNOTHERAPY This is a type of treatment that harnesses your own immune system to fight disease, commonly used for cancer and asthma. FAL L 2017 37