Contents SUMMER 2017 THE BIG STORY Zucchini crackers ... yum! PAGE 46 Whether you have babies in your life or greatgrandparents, you're a caregiver. PAGE 14 IN EVERY ISSUE 2 32 33 38 40 42 FEATURES 3 14 6 22 A Labor of Love Unpaid caregivers play a major role in healthcare in the United States. 9 10 28 Laughing for Dad Amy Schumer's career as a comedian was shaped by her father's multiple sclerosis. 50 Healing Limbs, Saving Lives Because these patients were in the right place at the right time, today they are able to walk again. Putting Passion into Practice Nurses lead the way with expert care and compassion. Giving Care What you need to know to care for the most important people in your life. An Ounce of Prevention, Just for Her A guide to the screenings girls and women need, and when to get them. Timing Is Everything Know what steps to take in case of stroke, whether it happened six minutes or six months ago. SPOTLIGHT: Community Hospital Maternal-Fetal Medicine provides continuity in care for high-risk pregnancies. 44 46 48 52 SPOTLIGHT: St. Catherine Hospital Enhanced ICU offers an advanced healing environment for critical injury and illness. 54 SPOTLIGHT: St. Mary Medical Center TrueBeam™ technology helps doctors target cancer with pinpoint accuracy. 56 Community Message The Quick List This Just In The Truth About Pregnancy After 35 How To: Stop Prediabetes Quiz: Freak Out or Chill Out? At a Glance: Heart Tests In the Market: Zucchini Health by the Numbers: Mental Health Ask the Expert Is frozen yogurt healthier than ice cream? PAGE 34 8 Making a Difference Careers in healthcare offer many opportunities to make a difference. COVER PHOTO BY MIKE COPPOLA/GETTY IMAGES; FROZEN YOGURT BY THINKSTOCK SU MM E R 20 17 1