WHAT ARE THE ODDS of Having an Anxiety Disorder? A WORKOUT FOR YOUR FACE? Worried about the visual signs of aging? Research shows that facial exercises might help you look a little younger. A study published in JAMA Dermatology showed that women older than 40 who practiced a specific series of exercises every day for eight weeks then every other day for four weeks looked about three years younger when evaluated by dermatologists. The idea is that strengthening facial muscles-like any muscles-makes them stronger and larger, for a face that appears rounder and less hollow and wrinkly. The study was small, and more research is needed, but feel free to pucker, smirk and stick your tongue out-all in the name of exercise. About 1 in 5 Each year, about 18 percent of U.S. adults are affected by anxiety disorders, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. That makes it the most common mental illness in America. Unfortunately, only 36.9 percent of people with anxiety disorders receive treatment. JARGON WATCH BRCA1 AND BRCA2: When women have inherited mutations in one of these two genes, their risk of breast and ovarian cancer is increased. Women with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer can receive genetic testing for these mutations, which can help them understand their risk and take preventive measures. FALL 2018 37