Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH - 19

Association, 85 percent of women who've
had one miscarriage will go on to have a
subsequent successful pregnancy.

Miscarriage Symptoms

Although some women might experience light spotting early in pregnancy,
it's important to report any abdominal cramping or bleeding to your doctor immediately.
"Often it turns out to be nothing,
but any kind of pain or bleeding in the
first trimester needs to be reported and
investigated. Don't just wait it out,"
Gersh says. Some conditions, such as
ectopic pregnancy, which is when the
fertilized egg attaches itself outside the
uterus, can be life-threatening for the
mother if left untreated.

Reasons It Happens

Many women wrongly blame themselves
when they suffer a miscarriage, thinking
it was related to stress, exercise or
other typical behavior or activity.
These haven't been shown to cause
miscarriage. Below are some of the
most common causes of miscarriage.
3 Chromosomal problems. Issues
with chromosomes account for about
60 percent of miscarriages. These
might include a blighted ovum (an
embryo implants but doesn't develop),
a molar pregnancy (a tumor forms in
the uterine lining) or a translocation
(chromosomes become attached or
fragments of chromosomes break off
and trade places).
A chromosomal issue is not typically
identified unless parents receive genetic
testing or a sample is analyzed by a lab,
which can happen if the patient has a
dilation and curettage procedure to
remove tissue from the uterus.
But Gersh stresses that even if the
cause is genetic, "it's not necessarily the sign of an underlying recurring
problem." That means that a miscarriage caused by a chromosomal issue
in one pregnancy does not necessarily

mean future pregnancies will be
at risk.
3 Anatomical issues. Some conditions, such as a septate (divided)
uterus or cervical insufficiency, can
lead to miscarriage but can often be
remedied with surgical procedures
before trying to conceive again.
3 Infection. Sexually transmitted diseases and listeriosis, a food-poisoning
illness where bacteria can be passed
to the developing embryo or fetus, are
two examples of infections that could
cause miscarriage.

Risk Factors

The following factors can increase the
chances of losing a pregnancy.
3 Age. Women ages 35 and older are
more likely to miscarry.
3 Recurrent miscarriages. Having
two or more miscarriages increases the
chance of having a future one.
3 Environmental toxins. These
include cigarettes, alcohol, recreational
drugs and exposure to chemical solvents (such as paint thinners).
3 Health issues. Certain diseases,
especially when poorly managed, might
affect a woman's ability to carry a
pregnancy to term. These include autoimmune disorders, such as diabetes,


Are You Ready
for Baby?
Learn more about the
comprehensive services
offered by the hospitals of
Community Healthcare System
to support women and their
families during the birthing
experience. Visit

thyroid disease and antiphospholipid
antibody syndrome, which can cause
blood clots. Hormonal concerns, like
polycystic ovarian syndrome and luteal
phase defect, which can lead to low
levels of progesterone, an essential
pregnancy hormone, can also increase
miscarriage risk. ■

Managing a
Some women face high-risk or complicated pregnancies. Through a partnership
between Community Hospital and The
University of Chicago Medicine, specialized maternal-fetal medicine is available
closer to home, making it more convenient for families in Northwest Indiana.
Maternal-fetal medicine specialists
work with the expectant mother's obstetrician to provide counseling, screening
and fetal diagnostic testing.
"Collaborating with maternal-fetal
medicine specialists about complex
pregnancies is wonderful," says Anthony
Gentile, MD, an OB-GYN with Community
Care Network. "Patients can now get
sophisticated obstetrical ultrasounds
locally without having to travel. This translates into better quality of care, more
efficient care and greater convenience for
the patient and physician. Published studies have proven that high-risk pregnancies
managed by a maternal-fetal specialist
result in healthier moms and babies."
Patients are referred to the
program through their OB-GYN
on staff at the other hospitals of
Community Healthcare System, which
includes St. Catherine Hospital in East
Chicago and St. Mary Medical Center
in Hobart. Services include a neonatal transport system that transfers
critically ill or premature newborns
between hospitals.

FALL 2019


Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH

Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH - Cover1
Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH - Cover2
Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH - Contents
Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH - 2
Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH - 3
Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH - 4
Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH - 5
Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH - 6
Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH - 7
Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH - 8
Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH - 9
Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH - 10
Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH - 11
Vim & Vigor - Fall 2019 - CH - 12
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