THE QUICK LIST 10 1 WAYS EVERY WOMAN CAN IMPROVE HER HEALTH Talk to your doctor about your breast cancer risk and the best screening schedule for you. 2 Ease up on the booze. It increases cancer risk. 3 4 Ask your mom about her history of cancer and mental health problems. 7 Get at least 150 minutes of moderateintensity physical activity each week- brisk walking is a great way to do it. 6 Try meditation to relieve pain and anxiety. Know that miscarriages are common and are not a woman's fault. 9 8 If you're a caregiver, make sure to ask for help. Take time off if you can. 10 Remind yourself that genetics are not destiny. Your lifestyle choices make a major difference in your health. WANT MORE HEALTHY IDEAS? Check out our Winter issue, all about keeping the whole family healthy. 32 FA L L 2019 PHOTOS BY GETTY IMAGES Don't panic about uterine fibroids, which often don't require treatment. But do see a doctor if they bother you. 5 Remember that you don't have to suffer through menopause. Treatments are available, and your doctor can help.