Vim & Vigor - Summer 2019 - CH - 13

Find a
Find Fitness That Fits

Having a consistent exercise routine
is critical to sustained weight loss.
Goodman worked with fitness expert
and author Mackie Shilstone, whom
he met in his adopted home city of
New Orleans, to create his program.
Shilstone, who also trains tennis legend
Serena Williams, helped Goodman set
up a routine he could stick with, working out at a boxing gym when he was
in town and exercising at home on his
elliptical machine and recumbent bike.
The goal was to gradually increase his
heart rate to maximize weight loss.
But you don't need a celebrity salary
to get fit. Goodman also used low-cost
resistance bands for strength training.
"It's important to have the right workout structure, something that fits your
lifestyle," Shilstone says. "Resistance
bands are great because they're convenient and easy to use at home or travel
with." They're also relatively inexpensive: You can pick up a set for $20 or
less online.
And Goodman's workouts have
brought benefits beyond weight loss.
"I'm getting to the age where I can't
afford to sit still anymore, and it gives
me the energy to work, because work is
very draining," he told film critic Peter
Travers in 2016.

Stay Strong

Like losing your keys and forgetting
where you parked, muscle loss seems to
be a natural part of aging. In fact, you
can lose up to 5 percent per decade after
age 30, and most men lose about 30 percent of their muscle mass throughout
their lives.
"It's called sarcopenia, this aging loss
of muscle, and dynapenia is the aging
loss of strength," Shilstone says. "In
order to grow stronger, you're breaking down muscle tissue, repairing

and rebuilding it, and the rebuilding process becomes more difficult
as you age. It's something we all
face-women, too, especially after
menopause, due in part to a loss
of estrogen."
To help preserve lean muscle and
burn fat as you age, Shilstone recommends regular circuit training,
in which you complete a series of
strengthening exercises using dumbbells, weight machines, resistance
bands or your body weight.

Set a Goal

Having a goal to improve your health
gives you something to focus on, like
dropping a pants size or getting your
blood pressure, cholesterol or glucose
numbers in check. For Goodman, his
primary goal was to lose weight so he
could have knee surgery.
Goodman says he didn't target a
number for his weight loss when he
started, and he doesn't know exactly
how much he's lost. But that doesn't
mean he's not paying attention to
progress-or signs of a slip-up.
"I don't want to know [my weight];
I just go by belt sizes and pants getting smaller," he told Travers. He
reached his goal and has had two knee
replacement surgeries.
Al Bochi recommends starting with
small changes-one or two things
that will have a better impact on your
overall health. It could be as simple
as walking 30 minutes three times
a week or having one more serving
of vegetables each day. Once they're
accomplished, you can add more. And
focus on progress, not perfection.
"Don't wait until everything is perfect in your life to get started," she
says. "You'll always have things going
on, so just focus on your goals and
take it one step at a time." ■


Embarking on a successful weight loss
journey is a life-changing decision.
Community Healthcare System's wellness
and weight loss program, Healthy 4 Life,
offers solutions for lifelong health and
obesity issues.
Healthy 4 Life consists of accredited
surgical and medical weight loss services
designed to help patients stay healthy, lose
weight and keep it off. Our staff of certified
bariatric surgeons and weight loss physicians work collaboratively with our team of
health professionals to create unique care
plans tailored to each of our patients.
The Healthy 4 Life team includes boardcertified weight loss bariatricians, bariatric surgeons, certified bariatric nurses,
registered dietitian nutritionists, mental
health professionals, exercise physiologists
and health coaches. Patients learn about
nutrition, portion control, physical activity, healthy shopping and other topics. At
Healthy 4 Life, we believe that an educated
patient will not only lose more weight, but
is more likely to keep the weight off.
Our offices at Community Hospital in
Munster and St. Mary Medical Center in
Hobart offer convenient access to the comprehensive medical and surgical weight loss
programs designed for long-term success.


Healthy 4 Life
Our Healthy 4 Life team of
weight loss experts addresses
the needs of the patient as a
whole person. To attend one
of our introductory free seminars in East Chicago, Hobart,
Munster or Valparaiso, visit or call

SUMME R 2019


Vim & Vigor - Summer 2019 - CH

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Summer 2019 - CH

Vim & Vigor - Summer 2019 - CH - Cover1
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2019 - CH - Cover2
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2019 - CH - Contents
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2019 - CH - 2
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2019 - CH - 3
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2019 - CH - 4
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2019 - CH - 5
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2019 - CH - 6
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Vim & Vigor - Summer 2019 - CH - 8
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