Diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome The first step in treating carpal tunnel is ensuring an accurate diagnosis. Other conditions-fracture, pinched nerve or arthritis, for example-can cause similar symptoms, so it's important to rule those out. Your doctor will review your symptoms to determine whether they align with a carpal tunnel diagnosis. He or she also may test your grip strength, assess wrist mobility and check for tenderness along the nerve. To help confirm a diagnosis and also define the location and severity of the nerve compression, a nerve conduction test is recommended for people with symptoms of carpal tunnel. It involves using electrodes to send small shocks through the median nerve and measuring the journey of these electrical impulses. A delay or stop along the nerve within the carpal tunnel signals nerve compression and confirms a diagnosis. WEBSITE Need a Nerve Study? PHOTO BY JACKSON SMITH PHOTOGRAPHY Learn more about what to expect during a nerve study known as an electromyogram. Visit UVA Health at uvahealth.com/emg. Scottie Frey was back enjoying one of her favorite pastimes, crocheting, in only two weeks after surgery. WINTE R 2019 53http://www.uvahealth.com/emg