Contents 1 38 Could you benefit from lung cancer screening? 24 Connecting on IBS A GI doc answers the questions you might be embarrassed to ask. 24 16 Features 4 Quality Heart and Lung Care Close to Home Cardiothoracic surgeons treat lung cancer and other diseases of the chest in the only robotic thoracic surgery program in Northwest Indiana. 6 On the Move Again Neurological patients get a strong start on recovery at Community Stroke & Rehabilitation Center in Crown Point. COVER PHOTO BY GETTY IMAGES 34 10 Young at Heart? Discover how to break the cycle of increasing heart attacks among young people. 16 Battle of the Brain Game of Thrones alum Emilia Clarke survived two brain aneurysms. 49 20 Ow, My Joints! Knowing the cause of your achy wrists, hips and knees can guide your treatment. 28 A Lifelong Journey to Weight Loss Meet a mom who lost 100 pounds after finally finding her motivation to get healthy. 49 Good Health Is Good Business Occupational Health program helps businesses match the right worker to the right job-and prevent workplace injuries. 50 SPOTLIGHT: Community Hospital People suffering from stroke have a better chance than ever at a successful recovery, thanks to specialized expertise and equipment. 52 SPOTLIGHT: St. Catherine Hospital The Wound & Ostomy Clinic provides high-tech help to heal persistent wounds. Departments 2 Community Message 3 Community Briefs 32 The List: Brain health 34 This Just In 38 Fact or Fiction: Lung cancer screening 40 DIY: How to deal with negative people 42 The Quiz: Identifying "helicopter children" 44 At a Glance: Organ donation 46 In the Market: Scallions three ways 48 ICYMI 56 Ask the Expert 54 SPOTLIGHT: St. Mary Medical Center Robot-assisted Save your brain surgery allows with a quality multivitamin urologists to treat prostate cancer. 32 VIM & VIGOR SPRING 2020