Vim & Vigor - Spring 2020 - Community Healthcare System - 5

me if I had ever coughed up blood
and I said I never did. When he told
me I had lung cancer that was the
last thing I was thinking."
A biopsy of Rozin's lungs
showed cancer in each lung.
Further testing revealed that each
lung had a different type of cancer,
both at stage 1. He was immediately transferred to
Community Healthcare System's
Community Hospital, Munster, for
a more complex level of care.

Robotics Power

For more information about robotic surgeries at the hospitals
of Community Healthcare System, visit

to offer surgery as an option now
to a greater population of patients
because of the smaller incisions
that we make and recovery is
less stressful."

A Comprehensive Team

Community Healthcare System's
cardiothoracic team includes Eng,
Minimally Invasive
Mehdi Akhavan-Heidari, MD, Cris
Surgical Solutions
Carlos, MD, Jason Frazier, MD, and
An expert in the field, Director of
Vsevolod Tikhomirov, MD.
Cardiothoracic Surgery Michael
"We're excited about the experEng, MD, performed a minimally
tise that this cardiothoracic team
invasive lobectomy (removal
brings to Northwest Indiana,"
of a lobe) on each lung with
Eng says. "We're currently the
the assistance of the da Vinci®
only robotic thoracic program in
Robotic System.
Northwest Indiana. We've done
"Mr. Rozin did very well with
well over 100 cases and that volthe robotic lobectomy," Eng says. "I ume is growing."
took a lobe out of one side in May
Community Healthcare System
of 2018, then I took out a lobe on
hospitals offer the same minimally
the other side in September. Once,
invasive procedures that academic
that would have meant a giant scar
medical centers offer, according to
all the way around the
Eng. That means patients
chest on both sides, but
can get the care they need
now it means a few tiny
close to home, at Munster's
incisions on both sides.
Community Hospital,
"We've done
He did very well and
St. Catherine Hospital in
well over
recovered in a fairly short
East Chicago, and Hobart's
100 cases and
period of time."
St. Mary Medical Center.
that volume is
Today's robotic surger"We offer any type of
ies are proving to be much Michael Eng, MD lung surgery including
better for patient recovery,
biopsies, lobectomies,
Eng says. Patients who
pneumonectomies (removwould not otherwise have
ing the entire lung), as well
qualified for an open lobectomy
as rib resections and operations
because of complications such as
for benign esophageal tumors and
heart disease and weak lungs are
sympathectomy (cutting nerves
able to tolerate a procedure with the to reduce or eliminate excessive
robot and have a good experience.
sweating)," he says.
"If you are going to potentially
Rozin says he received excellent
'cure' a patient of early stage lung
care and appreciates that his doctors
cancer, surgery is almost always
and surgeon are nearby.
your best option," Eng says. "If
the patient can't have surgery
Larry Rozin of Dyer with Director of
Cardiothoracic Surgery Michael Eng,
because the lungs are too weak,
MD. Eng performed two lobectomies
then they are limited to chemoto cure Rozin's lung cancer at
therapy and radiation. We are able
Community Hospital, Munster.


"I wasn't in a position to drive
downtown or go anywhere else for
care," he says. "I was weak from having lost nearly 60 pounds between
diagnosis and the second lung surgery. I live with my brother and he
takes me to all my appointments, or
I have to call for a ride."
Patients can find not only expertise and quality care at the hospitals
of Community Healthcare System,
but a better overall experience
without having to travel far, says
Donald P. Fesko, president and
CEO, Community Foundation of
Northwest Indiana, Inc., parent
company of the hospital system.
"Our continuing commitment
to providing the most advanced
medical facilities and highly
talented medical staff have led the
way to offering better medicine
to Northwest Indiana residents,"
he says.
Rozin is enjoying life again, staying active and making it out to the
golf course at least once a week.
"I'm grateful to Dr. Eng and the
team," Rozin says. "My advice to
others is to take care of your lungs
and quit smoking." *


Vim & Vigor - Spring 2020 - Community Healthcare System

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Spring 2020 - Community Healthcare System

Vim & Vigor - Spring 2020 - Community Healthcare System - Cover1
Vim & Vigor - Spring 2020 - Community Healthcare System - Cover2
Vim & Vigor - Spring 2020 - Community Healthcare System - Contents
Vim & Vigor - Spring 2020 - Community Healthcare System - 2
Vim & Vigor - Spring 2020 - Community Healthcare System - 3
Vim & Vigor - Spring 2020 - Community Healthcare System - 4
Vim & Vigor - Spring 2020 - Community Healthcare System - 5
Vim & Vigor - Spring 2020 - Community Healthcare System - 6
Vim & Vigor - Spring 2020 - Community Healthcare System - 7
Vim & Vigor - Spring 2020 - Community Healthcare System - 8
Vim & Vigor - Spring 2020 - Community Healthcare System - 9
Vim & Vigor - Spring 2020 - Community Healthcare System - 10
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