TUB & SHOWER REPAIRS Section 14 - Tub & Shower Repairs Models 1-3 Item Cat. # OEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Description Repairs For Powers Hydroguard 400 Generic 07503 420-495 Chrome Plated Lever Handle Assembly 57503 02676 030-066 G #25 Chrome Plated Screw 70633 400-078 Acrylic Handle Kit 21148 034-223 G Dial Plate Screw N/A N/A 400-012 Dial Plate (Model 1) 410-234 Dial Plate Gasket 21149 030-889 Bonnet Screw #27 O-Ring 00627 410-366 11798 410-147 Temperature Stop 11784 410-377 Support Ring 11796 410-346 Bonnet 21164 410-368 Washer 14 N/A 15 16 17 N/A 18 N/A 19 21150 410-145 Wavy Washer 401-082 Adjustment Stem 11795 410-146 Bonnet Gasket 13481 400-023 Shut Off Disc 400-022 Guide 410-138 Spring 00607 047-031 20 07500 410-183 #7 O-Ring Cartridge Assembly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 57500 Balancing Cartridge 25 N/A 26 27 28 29 30 N/A 31 32 Kit Style Gasket & Disc Replacement Item Cat. # OEM # 21 22 23 24 Description 07500 410-183 Cartridge Assembly 07501 410-378 Stem Kit 20631 401-090 Plug Button 21152 080-008 Screw 401-120 Diverter Knob Assembly 21154 401-086 Plastic Knob 70633 400-062 Dial Plate Assembly 02657 032-064 21155 401-088 Stem Guide 401-235 Diverter Kit 11777 - 24658 - Chrome Plated Handle Screw (10pk) Power Plus Button Decal Troubleshooting Repair Kit 1 . Water leak at stem and or bonnet. 2. Flow of water continues after mixer is turned off. 1 . Variable or untempered discharge temperature. 2. Leakage after mixer is turned off. Stem & Plate Replacement 1 . Flow continues after mixer is turned off. 2. Handle splines on stem damaged. Cat. # 07501 OEM # 410-378 Includes one of item 22. (Used on Models 1-3, 400 & 410) 57501 Cat. # 07502 OEM # 410-182 Includes one of item 1 4 and two each of items 16 and 19 with five of item 8. (Used on all Models) Cat. # 07500 OEM # 410-183 Includes one of item 21. (Used on Models 1-3, 400 & 410 Metal & Plastic Bonnet) 57500 #11 Chrome Plated Screw L0063 Generic 57500 57501 70631 - - 71154 - - - - - - Generic 57502 3 20 19 18 1 16 14 2 13 12 8 11 31 10 9 8 7 27 28 22 21 15 8 17 24 29 23 6 26 32 4 5 25 30 MARK'S PLUMBING PARTS WWW.MARKSPP.COM 14-183http://WWW.MARKSPP.COM