AMERICAN STANDARD SINKS Section 8 - Fixtures American Standard Akron Service Sinks Cast iron service sinks, enameled only on the interior. Comes complete with wall hanger and rim guard. Available with plain back or drilled back for faucet installation. With rim guard. Cat.# 17315 17300 OEM 7695.008 7695.000 Description American Standard Service Sink, Drilled Back for Faucets (shown) 20-1/2 " x 24 " Wide American Standard Service Sink, Plain Back (no faucet hole drilling) 20-1/2 " x 24 " Wide American Standard Lakewell Service Sinks Cast iron service sinks, enameled only on the interior. Comes complete with wall hanger and rim guard. Available with plain back or drilled back for faucet installation. With rim guard. Cat.# 17316 17320 OEM 7692.008 7692.000 Description American Standard Service Sink, Drilled Back for Faucets (shown) 18 " x 22 " Wide American Standard Service Sink, Plain Back (no faucet hole drilling) 18 " x 22 " Wide American Standard Trap Standards Cast iron service sinks, enameled only on the interior. Comes complete with wall hanger and rim guard. Available with plain back or drilled back for faucet installation. With rim guard. Cat.# 17286 17293 OEM 7798.020 7798.030 Description American Standard Cast Iron Trap Standard and Strainer for 2 " Iron Pipe American Standard Cast Iron Trap Standard and Strainer for 3 " Iron Pipe American Standard Cast Metal Loose Strainer Cat.# 17288 OEM 037640-0020A Description American Standard Metal Loose Strainer American Standard Stainless Steel 10 " Rim Guard Cat.# 17289 OEM 7382017.075 Description American Standard Stainless Steel Rim Guard (3 needed) MARK'S PLUMBING PARTS WWW.MARKSPP.COM 8-9 http://WWW.MARKSPP.COM