WATERLESS ACCESSORIES Section 8 - Fixtures Waterless EcoTrap It's what makes the urinals work in conjunction with BlueSeal® sealing liquid. The EcoTrap® fits all Waterless Co Inc. manufactured urinals, ceramic and High Performance Composite units. The EcoTrap® is recyclable, long lasting and very inexpensive when compared with other trap inserts/cartridges. It can be refilled! Cat.# OEM 34192 3001 Description Waterless EcoTrap™ Insert for No-Flush Urinals Waterless X-Traptor The simple tool to remove the EcoTrap® from the urinal. Made of stainless steel. Cat.# OEM Description 34193 4001 Waterless X-Traptor® Tool Waterless Portion Aid for Quart Bottle Our simple and efficient measuring tool for BlueSeal®. Insert into bottle top, tighten, squeeze bottle and fill PortionAid tool with 3 oz. of BlueSeal®. Then simply empty PortionAid 3 oz. contents into the urinal trap. Done! Cat.# OEM Description 34194 4002 Waterless Portion Aid for Quart Bottle Waterless iPack The simple essentials for operating Waterless No-Flush™ urinals. These items are enough to get up to 5 urinals started, with BlueSeal® to spare. The iPack™ contains: * 1 - BlueSeal® quart * 1 - X-Traptor® tool * 1 - Portion-Aid™ Cat.# OEM Description 34195 6009 Waterless iPack™ MARK'S PLUMBING PARTS WWW.MARKSPP.COM 8-93https://www.markspp.com/Catalog/Detail/38735 https://www.markspp.com/Catalog/Detail/38737 https://www.markspp.com/Catalog/Detail/38736 https://www.markspp.com/Catalog/Detail/38739 http://WWW.MARKSPP.COM