Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - (Page 9)
Michael Gordon, MD, boardcertified general surgeon, with Gwyn Sandlin, RN, certified breast health navigator.
Test your Breast Health IQ
1. About 80% of all breast cancers are this type of cancer: a. DCIS – Ductal carcinoma in situ b. ILC – Invasive lobular carcinoma c. LCIS – Lobular carcinoma in situ d. IDC – Invasive ductal carcinoma 2. According to a recent American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) study, more than __________ breast cancers in the U.S. each year are linked to excess body fat. a. 17,000 c. 33,000 b. 25,000 d. Over 100,000 3. ___________ is a less common type of breast cancer occurring more often in young women and in African-American women. Typically an invasive ductal carcinoma, its cells lack estrogen and progesterone receptors and do not have an excess of the HER2 protein on their surfaces. a. Inflammatory breast cancer b. Triple-negative breast cancer c. Paget’s disease d. Metaplastic carcinoma 4. In her lifetime, an American woman’s chance of developing invasive breast cancer is approximately 1 in _____. a. 4 c. 12 b. 8 d. 30 5. Which statement is false? a. Skin cancer is more common than breast cancer in American women. b. Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in women. c. While death rates from breast cancer have been declining since 1990, the largest decline is in women younger than 50. d. Over 2.5 million breast cancer survivors live in the U.S. ANSWERS: 1. b; 2. c, but more than 100,000 total cancer cases per year are linked to excess body fat, according to the AICR; 3. b; 4. b; 5. b, breast cancer deaths rank second to lung cancer.
Central Carolina Hospital’s breast cancer support group helps patients and caregivers stay positive and informed during treatment. It meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Women’s Center. No reservations are required, but for more information, call 877-228-3638.
was preparing me for something. He told me there was a storm coming and not to be afraid, but nothing was revealed to me—until February. When I felt the lump, He told me, ‘This is the storm I prepared you for,’ and I wasn’t afraid.” To build her physical strength, Sen encouraged her to exercise. She began walking three miles a day. “I feel better than I ever have,” she says. “A few months ago, I could hardly walk, and when I did, I needed a cane. Now, I put on my favorite walking shoes—a pair of pink Adidas shoes my husband surprised me with—and I walk every day.” Everyone who meets Kim is amazed by her strength and positive outlook. A smile beams on her face as she talks freely about her experience, quickly offering words of encouragement, strength and inspiration.
Kim is definitely not in denial. She knows that, statistically speaking, faith and hope are her strongest allies. Her family is prepared for any outcome, but Kim also knows her journey is exactly what it is meant to be. “I’ve been so blessed throughout my whole life,” Kim says. “I’m an assistant principal. I’ve taught. I’m married and have wonderful children and an awesome family. I know why I was placed in this position. Regardless of my outcome, I’m still a testimony to God. I know my purpose is to show that with faith, anything is possible, and I’m healed.” Kim is excited to expand her ministry fulltime and is planning on spreading faith in the prison system and at halfway houses. “I knew I was preparing for life-changing events,” she says. “And it’s not only my life that’s changing. My journey will draw others to Him.”
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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010
Health Beat
Journey of Hope
Treats Not Tricks
Surgery Snapshot
Heart Smart
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 (Page Cover1)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 (Page 2)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - Contents (Page 3)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - Health Beat (Page 4)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - Health Beat (Page 5)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - Journey of Hope (Page 6)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - Journey of Hope (Page 7)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - Journey of Hope (Page 8)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - Journey of Hope (Page 9)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - Treats Not Tricks (Page 10)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - Surgery Snapshot (Page 11)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - Heart Smart (Page 12)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - Heart Smart (Page 13)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - Q+A (Page 14)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - Q+A (Page 15)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2010 - Q+A (Page Cover4)