Central Carolina HEALTH - Winter 2011 - (Page 12)

heart smart The Power of 10 Tips for keeping your hearT— and The resT of you—healThy In recognition of American Heart Month this February, Bonnie Doby, RN, cardiac rehab program manager at CCH, offers 10 tips to help you keep your heart, mind and body in tiptop shape. from the entrance to the store or when you take the stairs instead of the elevator. 6. Cross Train. Protect your muscle mass by including a variety of exercises in your daily routine such as cardio, weight training and flexibility training. Cross training may help with joint pain by reducing the wear and tear on a particular joint. Bonnie Doby, RN, cardiac rehab program manager, has been with CCH for 17 years. 1. Know Your Family History. Keep a written journal of your family’s history. You will want to make note of any close relatives who have had heart disease, diabetes or cancer. 7. Stay Hydrated. If you work out or play sports, be sure you’re staying hydrated. You can calculate how much water you lose through sweat by weighing yourself before and after a workout. That will give you an idea about how much water is lost, and how much to replace. 2. Don’t Neglect Your Mental Health. It’s so important to your overall health to keep a positive outlook and stay mentally in-tune. Be especially mindful of stress in your life and what you can do to reduce it. 4. Don’t Neglect Your Bones. Eat a healthy diet that includes at least two servings of dairy each day. Ask your physician if he or she recommends a calcium or vitamin D supplement. 3. Keep Up With Immunizations. 12 | W I N t E r 2 0 1 1 8. Aim for a Healthy Weight. We all know obesity can lead to problems, but it can also be a problem to be too thin—especially for seniors. It’s important to ask your physician what your ideal weight range should be and aim to be within that range. Many adults wrongly assume that immunizations are only for children. Talk to your physician about vaccines for flu, pneumonia, shingles and tetanus. 5. Get a Pedometer. It’s a great feeling to know how much exercise you’re getting each day, and a pedometer can help you keep track of those extra steps— especially when you park away

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Central Carolina HEALTH - Winter 2011

Central Carolina Health - Winter 2011
Health Beat
In Bloom Again
Baby Steps
The Ride of Your Life
Heart Smart
Clowning Around

Central Carolina HEALTH - Winter 2011
