Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2012 - (Page 12)

A breast health navigator can show you the way through cancer treatment conjures images of a shipman responsible for keeping a ship on course. At Central Carolina Hospital (CCH), Gwyn Sandlin is a true navigator. Her mission is to help women navigate their breast health as well as the often complex healthcare system. “If I can make a difference for women on this journey, and make things easier and less stressful, then I have done my job,” says Gwyn. “The women I work with don’t know it, but they’re all a blessing to me. In the last few years I’ve found many great friendships. I still keep in contact with each of them.” The Right What a Navigator Does Directi The word “navigator” tests, procedures and the emotions that come with every stage. Her official title is “breast health navigator,” and her position is unique for a community hospital. More often found at larger area hospitals, navigators provide continuity for patients and their families throughout their healthcare experience during what can be a very stressful time in a woman’s life. “I am one person caring for another person,” says Gwyn. “I help our patients cope on a day-to-day basis. I call patients regularly, letting them know I’m here and ready to answer any questions that might come up.” Meet Our Navigator Gwyn is a registered nurse who began working at CCH 23 years ago. Today, she describes herself as a specialist in caring for women. She ensures that a woman has someone to help navigate the path to care, guiding her through Trained to coordinate the clinical, educational and supportive needs of patients who are either facing a possible breast cancer diagnosis or a new diagnosis, Gwyn says knowledge is power. If a patient knows what to expect join the support group The breast cancer support group meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 6:15 p.m. in the Women’s Center at Central Carolina Hospital. 12 | FA L L 2 0 1 2 Gwyn Sandlin talking to a survivor support group. Front row, left to right: Julie Lemon, Susan Clegg, Pat Maguire, Frances Stutts, Mary Kesler; second row, left to right: Susie Bahnsen, Faye Wilson, Phyllis Brooks, Barbara Doris, Mary Ashburn; back row, left to right: Judy Sowder, Cathy Watts, Gloria Norris, Kimberly McLean, Kelly Holt, Mary John Coggins.

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2012

Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2012
From the CEO
Health Beat
Julie's Journey
By Their Side
The Right Direction
The Right Tools

Central Carolina HEALTH - Fall 2012
