Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - (Page 15)
hen the unexpected comes in the form of a medical emergency—someone clutching his chest, your child’s friend having a seizure in your kitchen or a car accident occurring nearby—you need to get it right the first time, every time. By keeping your cool, you will be able to better assist anyone who is hurt, and you also will be able to help emergency responders provide the quickest and most effective medical care. But how? Robin Terry-Seagroves, paramedic with Central Carolina Advanced Life Support, offers three tips for keeping your head straight during a medical emergency.
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Safety First, for you and any victims
stand back and Let the Professionals Work
“Make sure you are out of harm’s way,” Terry-Seagroves says. “If you witness a car accident, pull safely to the side of the road and make sure it’s clear before trying to help. Then turn your attention to the injured. If a person looks like they’ve been injured from a serious fall, do not move them. Doing so may cause more injuries and be life-threatening.”
While you wait for an ambulance and other emergency responders, talk to the injured person. “They’re going to be scared,” Terry-Seagroves says, “so try to distract them from what’s going on and reassure them that they aren’t alone.”
Once emergency responders arrive, the best thing you can do is get out of the way. Seconds could really matter, and the more you interrupt, the less they can focus on caring for the patient. Again, you may be asked what happened: Did the injured person cough? Was there alcohol involved? How long was the person in the water? The more information you give, the better. After the injured person has been given immediate medical attention, he or she will be transported to the nearest appropriate medical facility.
Call 911 to activate the emergency response system
Don’t stress if you aren’t allowed to travel in the ambulance. If the injured person is a friend or relative and the ambulance has room, you may be allowed to ride along, but if not, the paramedics will tell you what hospital they are going to.
Once you and the injured person are out of danger, call 911. “Tell the operator exactly what you see and what happened,” Terry-Seagroves urges. The people who work answering 911 calls are trained professionals, and they will often tell you over the phone what to do. They can walk you through taking a pulse, conducting CPR or doing chest compressions. And remember, if you’re using a cellphone, you need to know where you are. While landlines are usually linked to local police and fire departments, some cellphones don’t have GPS to help responders know your location. In that case, look for cross streets or the nearest highway mile marker to help emergency personnel find the scene.
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Upcoming CPR Classes at CCH
R Sat., May 12, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. R Sat., June 2, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Heart Saver course) R Sat., June 16, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information on these classes and their fees, please call 800-483-6385.
According to the American College of Emergency Physicians, one in three Americans goes to an emergency department each year; overall, there are more than 115 million visits annually.
Once you’ve called 911, continue whatever help you were told to give, such as administering CPR or applying pressure to a bleeding wound with a clean bandage or cloth. “If you are focused on doing some of those lifesaving things, it’s easier to stay calm,” Terry-Seagroves says.
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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012
Central Carolina Health - Spring 2012
From the CEO
Health Beat
Bouncing Back
Welcome to the Network
No Stone Unturned
Heart Smart
Make the Right Call
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - Central Carolina Health - Spring 2012 (Page 1)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - From the CEO (Page 2)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - From the CEO (Page 3)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - Health Beat (Page 4)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - Health Beat (Page 5)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - Bouncing Back (Page 6)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - Bouncing Back (Page 7)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - Bouncing Back (Page 8)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - Welcome to the Network (Page 9)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - No Stone Unturned (Page 10)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - No Stone Unturned (Page 11)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - Heart Smart (Page 12)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - Heart Smart (Page 13)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - Make the Right Call (Page 14)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - Make the Right Call (Page 15)
Central Carolina HEALTH - Spring 2012 - Make the Right Call (Page 16)