John Parrish’s partial
knee replacement
surgery was
performed with
robotic technology.
New surgical
option gives
John Parrish
the chance to
stay active
A landscaper and irrigation
specialist, John Parrish had always been
SUMMER 2013 | 9
active and accustomed to outdoor work. He
had repaired houses and climbed up and down
ladders to do roofing jobs. But through the years,
the physical labor was taking its toll.
At 49, John could find no relief from the
searing pain in his left knee. The only way to
manage it was to stop whatever he was doing and
sit down and rest. But he couldn’t do this for long.
He knew he had to keep going because his job was
important to the household income and his wife
also faced health challenges.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Central Carolina HEALTH - Summer 2013