Central Carolina HEALTH - Winter 2015 - (Page 11)

Call W hen you think about your cardiovascular system, you might think first about your heart. But don't forget that your blood vessels are every bit as important to your health. Vascular diseases show up in places you might least expect-from the large arteries that send blood to your major organs to the tiny veins that carry it back from the tips of your toes. Having a parent, sibling or child with vascular disease raises your own risk, but the most significant risk factors for vascular disease are smoking and diabetes, says Gina Lundberg, MD, a preventive cardiologist and American Heart Association spokeswoman. While some circulatory problems are just annoying, others are dangerous and even fatal. This head-to-toe guide intends to keep you in circulation. Read on to learn more about six common vascular diseases and actions that can protect your health. CHEST: THORACIC AORTIC ANEURYSM Warning signs: Usually no symptoms until the aneurysm expands or leaks; then throbbing or aching chest pain, coughing or shortness of breath Take action: Call 911. What's happening: The aorta is the main blood vessel carrying blood out of the heart to the rest of the body. An aneurysm is an enlargement or split in the wall of the upper aorta, usually caused by hardened arteries (atherosclerosis) or a birth defect. Most aneurysms have no symptoms unless they begin to grow, putting pressure on surrounding organs. A leaking or burst aneurysm is fatal without immediate medical attention. ABDOMEN: ABDOMINAL AORTIC ANEURYSM Warning signs: Usually without symptoms; but a rupture causes sudden pain in the abdomen or back that's severe, persistent or constant and may radiate to the groin, buttocks or legs Take action: Call 911. What's happening: The large blood vessel that supplies blood to the abdomen, pelvis and legs expands abnormally or balloons outward. ARMS: BUERGER'S DISEASE Warning signs: Inflamed, swollen and painful hands and feet Take action: Stop smoking. What's happening: Buerger's disease is a rare condition that makes the arteries and veins in the arms and legs swell up and become CALL FOR A REFERRAL TO A CARDIAC EXPERT For a referral to an expert in Central Carolina Hospital's cardiac network, call 855-291-2273. blocked by blood clots, causing infections and sometimes even gangrene. The condition is most common in men younger than 40 and is almost always associated with tobacco use. Medication can improve your circulation, but giving up all forms of nicotine is the only way to stop or prevent the disease. FINGERS: PRIMARY RAYNAUD'S SYNDROME Warning signs: Pain or numbness in the fingers or toes (nose, lips and ears also might be affected), which may appear white or red Take action: Warm your hands by flexing or rubbing them or putting them in warm water. What's happening: Primary Raynaud's syndrome makes the arteries of the fingers or toes constrict as an overreaction to cold or stress. It's common, especially among women, and most cases are annoying rather than disabling. If you experience extended episodes or it first appears after age 40, talk to your doctor, as it may be a symptom of a more serious underlying condition such as carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis or an autoimmune disease. PELVIS: DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS (DVT) Warning signs: Redness, pain, swelling and heat in one leg Take action: Call 911. What's happening: DVT is a serious blood clot in a leg or a pelvic vein. If the clot breaks loose, it can travel into the lungs, where it blocks blood flow to the lungs and puts pressure on the heart. This is called a pulmonary embolism, and symptoms include sudden difficulty breathing, heart palpitations, chest pain, and blue lips or fingers. DVT and pulmonary embolism are emergencies that require immediate treatment. LEGS: PERIPHERAL ARTERY DISEASE (PAD) Warning signs: Calf or leg pain; cold, pale or blue feet; difficulty walking; leg or foot sores that don't heal Take action: An ultrasound or angiogram of leg arteries will confirm the diagnosis. Your doctor may recommend a bypass or stent if the artery is more than 75 percent blocked. What's happening: PAD is the partial or complete blockage of an artery in the leg. It's one of the most common vascular diseases, affecting about 8 million Americans. Lundberg urges all primary care doctors to perform routine screening for PAD, either by listening to the arteries in the feet or with a simple test called the ankle-brachial index that involves putting blood pressure cuffs on your arms and legs. For a fivesecond check, though, start by looking down at your feet. "If you have hair growing on your toes, it's a good sign," Lundberg says. "It means you have good circulation there!" Diagnosis is critical. According to the Vascular Disease Foundation, people with PAD are five times more likely to have a heart attack, and two to three times more likely to have a stroke. C E N T R A LC A R O L I N A H O S P I TA L . CO M | 11 http://www.CENTRALCAROLINAHOSPITAL.COM

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Central Carolina HEALTH - Winter 2015


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