Health Essentials - Fall 2010 - Euclid - (Page 3)

Ongoing support Monthly group helps stroke survivors learn from one another By Helen Curak After suffering a stroke, a rainbow of emotions colors your once transparent world: anger, sadness, fear, helplessness—and most of all loneliness. “Unless you go through it, it’s hard to get the picture,” says Bob Iacco, a former Euclid Hospital stroke patient. To help deal with the many emotions stroke sufferers go through, Euclid Hospital offers a monthly Stroke Education Support Group for anyone interested in learning how to cope with the aftermath of a stroke in a caring, supportive atmosphere. Why the support Group Works “The stroke support group members can relate to each other. Each of them has gone through similar, if not the same, emotions,” says social worker and support group coordinator Janine Weisfeld. “You see the members emotionally progress through the group—from disappointment to anger and finally to joy once they know they have succeeded,” Weisfeld continues. The support group offers a wide variety of speakers that ranges from informational to motivational, with a question-and-answer period following each talk. Often therapists from the different disciplines—speech, occupational and physical therapy—discuss educational therapy topics. Former patients share their stroke survival journey; one even wrote a book about his ordeal to help others who have had a stroke. Family members who turned into caregivers for their loved ones talk about the road they traveled in the healing journey with the stroke patient. From left: Stroke survivor Bob Iacco, Stroke Education Support Group coordinator Janine Weisfeld, and Iacco’s wife, Janice The camaraderie the stroke support group patients feel is a lifelong bond. Bob, a three-year support group member, says that “the group makes it easier to stay ahead of the game and not get depressed about what has happened to you.” Bob didn’t let his stroke get in the way of getting back to the life he led. “You have to take situations as they happen, he says. “So many good things can happen on the road to recovery. Being able to help others by sharing my story at the support group helps them to see that they too can get back in the game.” Not Just for Stroke Victims (call) Come to tHe next support Group meetinG If you have suffered a stroke, or any other neurological condition, the Stroke Education Support Group may be right for you. The group meets the last Friday of every month in the Euclid Hospital Health Center from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call 216.692.7476 if you have additional questions about the stroke support group. The Stroke Education Support Group is not limited to those that have had a stroke. Anyone with a neurological condition, such as Parkinson’s disease or a brain tumor, is welcome. Support Group Can Benefit All Family Members “My husband’s stroke was a life-changing experience,” says Janice Iacco. “The support group is really beneficial for the caregiver.” Janice feels the support group “gives you a direction when you don’t know where to turn. It makes you feel like you are not alone—you have a support system to have even the simplest questions answered.” EuClIdHoSpITAl.orG HeALtH essentiALs 3 http://www.EuClIdHoSpITAl.orG

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Health Essentials - Fall 2010 - Euclid

Health Essentials - Fall 2010 - Euclid
A Message from the President of Euclid Hospital
A Support Group for Stroke Survivors
Born for the Role
Rehabilitation Therapy Can Restore Your Skills After aTrauma
Don’t Miss Our Upcoming Health Care Events

Health Essentials - Fall 2010 - Euclid