Health Signs - Fall 2011 - (Page 5)

The central plant will feature three high-capacity emergency generators capable of providing backup emergency power to the hospital and also will provide hot water for bathing; boilers for heat; steam generation for sterilization and autoclaving; and medical gases, such as oxygen. Building for the Future F Hospital expansion efforts are under way to meet growing community needs For more than 50 years, Washington Hospital has provided quality patient care to the residents of Washington Township Health Care District. Now, to keep pace with the growing health care needs of the community, the hospital is continuing to make progress with critical expansion efforts and seismic upgrade projects. Phase One Well Under Way The first phase of construction, which is scheduled for completion in early 2012, includes the hospital’s new consolidated central plant, a 37,000-square-foot facility that will serve as the hub of the hospital’s daily operations. The original plant, built in 1958, will be replaced with a new state-of-the-art facility designed to serve the entire hospital campus. “The main objective of the new central plant is to supply all the utilities necessary to both existing and new facilities with the ability to expand as the hospital continues growing TRACK OUR PROGRESS ONLINE To view construction updates and watch current timelapse footage of the hospital’s new central plant and Center for Joint Replacement, visit construction. To learn more about upcoming construction projects and upgrades at your community hospital, make sure to tune in to upcoming Washington Township Health Care District board meetings on InHealth, A Washington Hospital Channel, on Comcast Channel 78. to meet the demands of the communities we serve,” says Ed Fayen, Washington Hospital’s associate administrator of operations and support. Notably, the new central plant will feature three high-capacity emergency generators capable of providing backup emergency power to the hospital for at least a week, says Robert Alfieri, Washington Hospital’s Washington Hospital’s new central plant will serve as the hub of the hospital’s daily operations and supply all the critical functions the hospital needs. director of facility services. Alfieri, who will oversee the day-to-day operation of the cendesigned structure that will provide enough space for tral plant, says one of the additional all-private patient rooms as part of the top key benefits is the new plant’s ability to supply emergency floor build-out. electrical power for disaster situations. Following completion of the first phase, construction “The plant is designed to supply all the critical funcwill begin on the hospital’s new Intensive Care Unit and tions the hospital needs to operate, especially during an Emergency Department, with the goal of accommodating emergency, including hot water for bathing; boilers for the increasing number of seriously ill patients being treated heat; steam generation for sterilization and autoclaving; at the hospital. The building, expected to be completed in and medical gases, such as oxygen,” Alfieri says. 2016, will also house a larger critical care unit and an intenPrepared for Emergency sive care unit with all-private rooms. To further ensure that operations will continue in the Safety First event of a disaster, hospital leadership has made sure that Most important, during construction, residents of Washington emergency power is integrated into every aspect of the Township Health Care District can rest assured that safety new construction projects. If a major seismic event occurs, will remain the No. 1 priority, Alfieri adds. these upgrades will enable the hospital to operate without “As we move closer to completion of the new central any outside utilities for an extended time. plant facility, it’s our goal to ensure that the new facility is Also part of the first phase of construction—though not safe and as comfortable as possible for our patients, visitors funded by the Measure FF bond passed by voters in 2004— and staff.” • is the new Center for Joint Replacement, an innovatively FALL 2011 5

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Health Signs - Fall 2011

Health Signs - Fall 2011
Constructing Care: Washington Hospital is expanding its facilities to ensure quality care for years to come.
Washington Hospital is helping people learn how to live well with diabetes.
Urgent care facilities offer expert care when you need it most.

Health Signs - Fall 2011