JWM - Volume 1, Issue 1 - (Page 22)
editor’s letter
Your Partners, and Ours
nationally recognized nutrition expert Keri Glassman; TreasurY Wine esTaTes, curator of wineries such as Beringer and Stags’ Leap; ChrisTie’s, the world’s leading art business; and arOmaTheraPY assOCiaTes, the specialist purveyor of essential oils. Plus, we capture the wisdom of new Orleans jazz musician irvin maYfield.
asian elephants, which once roamed reverently and freely throughout thailand for many centuries, now number a mere 2,600. on a recent trip to thailand, where i had the privilege of visiting two of our most exquisite resorts— JW mArrIott KhAo LAK rEsort & spA and JW mArrIott phuKEt rEsort & spA—i also had the opportunity to feed one of these elephants and learn about their powerful link to thai culture. it struck me then, as it still does now in my suburban office far from any elephants, that the beauty of travel is not where you go, but the experiences that deepen your never-ending thirst for knowledge once you get there. at jw marriott, we share your discerning eye for luxury and the passions that guide your journeys both near and far. we created this magazine to delve into your sophisticated interests. in each issue we will call on connoisseurs and experts who savor the culinary arts, uncover the world’s up-and-coming cultural trends and speak knowledgeably on wellness and sustainability. in this inaugural issue of JWM magazine, we introduce you to some of our esteemed jw marriott partners (at left). we take you to the destination i mention above—thailand, a land of spectacular beauty and tradition, and where our Phuket and Khao Lak resorts welcome guests to their pristine white sand beaches and magnificently soothing spas. Speaking of spas, we report on an emerging flavor in spa treatments: the healing effects of salt therapy. Finally, it is my distinct honor to introduce you to the man whose name graces the cover of this magazine as well as our 52 and growing jw marriott hotels and resorts around the world. john willard marriott, the company’s founder, once said, “a man should take part in the things that go on in this wonderful world. He should live life and make every day count, to the very end.” Each jw marriott hotel embraces that very idea and embodies the spirit of the man who knew how to live life to the fullest. i am proud to represent the jw legacy by providing a magazine that shows just how it’s done.
True fact:
j w m a r r i o t t. c o m
© 2011 Steven Biver
miTzi GasKins vice PreSident & GLOBaL Brand ManaGer JW MarriOtt
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of JWM - Volume 1, Issue 1
JWM - Volume 1, Issue 1
Editor’s Letter
JW Story
Distinctive Products, People, Ideas & Style
The Perfect Cocktail
Crystal Clear
Secrets of a Great Collector
The Portal
Quiet Space
Emerging Tribes
Time Travel
The Locavore Chef
Turned Around
JW Experience
My Passion
JWM - Volume 1, Issue 1