JWM - Volume 2, Issue 3 - (Page 24)

editor’s let ter M ore and more, i appreciate the importance of ritual in everyday life. whether it’s a sequence of events that allows me to get my children off to school, or my cleansetone-moisturize routine, rituals provide a balance that’s often missing. recently, i had the opportunity to take part in a ritual that put the concept of balance into a completely new perspective. During a stay at the JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort & Spa in arizona, i rose with the sun and joined other guests on a guided hike, where we learned about indigenous plant and animal life. Following the hike, we gathered on the Salud terrace to participate in a traditional Native american ceremony and unique Sonoran Desert experience: the mitakuye oyasin morning ritual. in a centuries-old ceremony, we burned sage as a reminder to begin each day by reflecting on the connection we all have with nature and each other. this was followed by a yoga session and a day spent completely in tune with myself and my surroundings. in this issue of JWM magazine, we take you to this remarkable mountaintop retreat. it’s a journey you won’t want to miss. For those like myself who travel a great deal, the ritual of exercise takes on even greater importance. i use travel as a time to focus on fitness, dedicating time each day to the hotel gym. The centuries-old Mitakuye Oyasin Morning Ritual at the JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort & Spa connects guests with nature and each other. i’ve also taken memorable runs in Berlin and London and a bike ride in Phuket. that’s why i’m delighted to share tips for staying fit on the road from our health and well-being expert Dr. Pamela Peeke. Like all of our jw experts, Dr. Peeke has insights that will resonate with your passion for living life to the fullest. if you have a ritual when it comes to reading JWM, i hope it provides the satisfying and enlightening moments you seek. Mitzi Gaskins vice PreSident & GloBal Brand ManaGer JW Marriott J WM MAGAZINE 24 j w m a r r i o t t. c o m © Steven Biver http://www.JWMARRIOTT.COM

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of JWM - Volume 2, Issue 3

JWM - Volume 2, Issue 3
Table of Contents
JW Experts
Editor’s Letter
Distinctive Products, People, Ideas & Style
A Quiet Place
Dive Into Transcendental Meditation; Road Warrior Secrets
A Fish Tale; Beyond Sake
Photography 101; Sharp Shooters
The Portal
The Warmth of the Sun
Storied Cocktails
Pedal Pushers
Mixed Media
JW Experience
My Passion

JWM - Volume 2, Issue 3
