JWM - Volume 2, Issue 3 - (Page 50)

ARTS Photography 101 Looking to start a collection? Look at a lot; live with a few; and trust your instincts. picture is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know,” said legendary photographer Diane Arbus. If you’re new to collecting fine art photos, that last line might ring true. The world of photography is vast, and knowing just exactly how and where to enter as a collector could be baffling, but it doesn’t have to be—if you follow your heart. # Works by iconic photographers Ansel Adams, Leni Riefenstahl and Helmut Newton (left to right, above) are regularly available at auction. Sharp Shooters Want to create your own great photographs? These cutting-edge models capture your world in a whole new way. Blurry pictures are annoying. The standard solution—autofocus— results in shutter-lag. The Lytro captures an entire light field, not just a single light plane, giving you the ability to adjust the focus on any part of the image after you take the photo. Prepare to be astonished. Starts at US$399, lytro.com LYTRO LIGHT FIELD Conventional cameras are wellsuited for events that happen faster than the brain can process them, but what about those that move slower? Record the blooming of a flower, the construction of your guest house or the blanket of snow thickening over your yard. US$149, brinno.com BRINNO TLC 100: TIME-LAPSE DIGITAL VIDEO Polaroid enthusiasts were saddened in 2008 when the company announced it was abandoning instant film. But this little digital camera with its internal color printer cranks out great-looking credit card–sized snapshots on the spot. Feel free to shake the photos when they come out. US$154, fujifilm.com FUJIFILM INSTAX MINI 50S J WM MAGAZINE 50 J W M A R R I O T T. C O M © GEORG GÜBEL/DPA/CORBIS, VICTOR RICE-WRAY/CORBIS, © SOPHIE BASSOULS/SYGMA/CORBIS A http://www.fujifilm.com http://www.lytro.com http://www.brinno.com http://www.JWMARRIOTT.COM

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of JWM - Volume 2, Issue 3

JWM - Volume 2, Issue 3
Table of Contents
JW Experts
Editor’s Letter
Distinctive Products, People, Ideas & Style
A Quiet Place
Dive Into Transcendental Meditation; Road Warrior Secrets
A Fish Tale; Beyond Sake
Photography 101; Sharp Shooters
The Portal
The Warmth of the Sun
Storied Cocktails
Pedal Pushers
Mixed Media
JW Experience
My Passion

JWM - Volume 2, Issue 3
