Lift - Spring 2013 - (Page 5)

IN OTHER WORDS A Soulful Presence In memory of Father Kenan Morris, Embry-Riddle Chaplain Emeritus June 24, 1922–Nov. 30, 2011 BY ROBE RT LE CKY ( ’8 8 , DB) of visiting parents, who marveled at the frankness of his age-appropriate lectures and the ease with which their It was my honor and pleasure to sons and daughters attended. bring the U.S. flag presented at Father I remember watching the Space Morris’ funeral back to Embry-Riddle Shuttle Challenger explode as I was for his memorial service this past walking to class on that cold January October. My friends and I often day in 1986, and the shock and disspoke about his time there with us belief that immobilized our campus. and of the guidance and peace that Fr. Morris immediately set up an interhe brought to our lives. faith healing service and life resumed Very few people knew of his again on campus. days in Vietnam as a chaplain in Embry-Riddle always held a the U.S. Air Force and the dangers special place in Fr. Morris’ heart. I he faced while looking for downed IN MEMORIAM was with him when the local parish pilots with Special Forces rescue Join others touched by the life and closed and he appealed eloquently teams. He witnessed an enemy ministry of Fr. Morris with a contribution to the Franciscan Friars Provincial sniper kill a young soldier who to benefit the Campus Ministry and Administration in New York [in 1995] to was heading home after his tour Interfaith Chapel at the Daytona Beach remain in retirement in Ormond Beach of duty. The soldier was shot just Campus. Contact Kathleen.Hennessy@ and continue his campus ministry. His as he was boarding his flight and for information or make a first concern was never for his own Fr. Morris was there to hear his final gift at comfort, but instead for the students confession. Very few people knew who depended on his spiritual leaderof the $50,000 price that the North ship. His plea went unheeded and Fr. Morris reluctantly Vietnamese army placed on Fr. Morris’ head for his work relocated to the Franciscan Friars Retirement Residence with Catholic nuns who were helping build orphanages in Boston, Mass. for Amerasian babies. When we would talk about his It was a proud moment when I flew back with him sacrifice over a meal at the University Center, Fr. Morris to Embry-Riddle in early 2005 to witness the university would brush off anything that sounded like praise and honor him as Chaplain Emeritus for his role in making say that the bishop in the same region was imprisoned the Interfaith Chapel a reality. This public recognition of in an underground cell for years and never once comthe importance of our multi-faith campus and the need plained to his captors. Suddenly, my problems in this for a stable ministry was one of his proudest moments. world seemed minor and I became a little more grateful He led a life that would have made St. Francis proud. for what God had given me. It is a life that continues to inspire my family. I remember heading out with friends to the Dorm II parking lot on a Friday evening following a grueling week of studying and flying, only to hear a deep, knowEDITOR’S NOTE: Lecky earned a bachelor’s degree in aeronauing voice boom from the balcony above reminding us tical science from Embry-Riddle. He is a client services repall to “Be good!” Father was the watchful conscience, resentative for Jet Aviation Holdings at Teterboro Airport in friend and example to the students, urging us to do no New Jersey. A memorial service for Fr. Morris, a Franciscan harm to ourselves or others. His Sunday homilies were friar and Catholic priest who served the Embry-Riddle especially on target and left us in deep reflection, long Daytona Beach Campus for 16 years, was held on Oct. 13, after we left the mass. I especially enjoyed the reactions 2012, at the Interfaith Chapel he helped establish. SEND US YOUR STORY In Other Words gives you the opportunity to share your industry-related or personal perspective with Lift readers. Email submissions/proposals to L IF T SPRING 2 0 1 3 E R AUAL UMN I . OR G 5 http://www.ERAUALUMNI.ORG

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Lift - Spring 2013

Lift - Spring 2013
A Soulful Presence
Riddle Field
Higher Learning
Alumni Weekend/ OctoberWest
Navigating Home
Riding on Real Estate
Doctors’ Remedy
Helping Eagles Fly
Alumni News
Class Notes

Lift - Spring 2013